Saturday 2 August 2014

When is Finn O'Clock for You?

Every day at 10pm GMT, Finn O'clock rolls round and another story episode is released, either here on Emma Finn's Dark Tales of Transformations or over on Emma Finn's Dark Tales.

What time is Finn O'clock where you live?
  • 5pm - East Coast USA?
  • 2pm West Coast USA?
  • 11pm Western Europe?
  • 2am Eastern Europe? 
  • 8am Australia?
Every day at the same time, another episode comes out on one site or the other.

And don't forget the books! With a new book released on the 13th of every month, you need never be without something to read.

At the moment we're running three different serials. If you're a new reader then the links below point to the first episodes of each story. 

Lady Ann's Folly 

This is the sequel to the greatly expanded version of Eric's original yarn, Lady Ann's Holiday. It's a tale of magical body swapping set in Yorkshire, 1908, where Lady Ann just can't resist the lure of getting a taste for lower class ways and is willing to risk everything to do so, even if it causes untold havoc to everyone around her.

The Sixth Guest 

In which a mysterious and powerful force pays a visit to Beltane Boarding House with an unknown but possibly sinister agenda and surely one that will raise tensions within the house to breaking point.


An expansion of the classic story I wrote back in the good old days that takes the tale of a beautiful woman and her dark desire to swap places with her cleaner and explores it in greater detail than ever before. Tread the winding path to loss of status and control with Dahlia and wallow in her new status.

(Rubs hands together)

So set your alarm for Finn O'clock every day and make sure you don't miss an episode.

It's nice to have something to look forward to


  1. Finn O'clock is a special time of day; space for a little me time; time to indulge in my guilty pleasure.
    Finn(O'clock)tasia x

    1. Guilty pleasure is what Emma's do second best!

    2. Second best>?? C'mon then what do Emma's do first best? x

    3. Hang around long enough and you might find out!

  2. 10 PM Dublin Ireland

  3. Well I have to admit that midnight was kind of cool... the witching hour when a day is neither one nor the next; the fairytale time when magic's woven; the empty tick of the clock when all else falls silent and the whispered stories come alive...

    mind you, 10pm is OK from a practical perspective... any time in fact is a good time to read my favourite storyteller.

    From the UK

    1. Well you have Finntasia to blame for the time change!
