Mission Statement

I've been thinking for a while now about what I want to achieve here with my writing and what my long term goals are. 

It's become a lot more to me than simply having somewhere to post my transformation stories. I have to say it's become something of a passion that drives me every day. I want to grab this love of storytelling and take it to places it's never been taken before. 

With that in mind, I thought it would be worth writing down exactly what I'm hoping to accomplish, for my own reference and also, perhaps as of interest to you. 

My goals are: 

  • To write the best quality stories that I can, abandoning projects if necessary if they aren't up to standard
  • To explore the often bizarre situations in those stories with decent characters and an eye toward proper motivation and realism
  • To write transformation stories using the same techniques of injecting tension and drama as I would if writing a conventional thriller
  • To release no less than 1 new book a month for as long as humanly possible
  • To release at the very least, 1 book every 2 months for the rest of my life
  • To create an intricate web of connections and subtext throughout all my stories that tie into ongoing themes and plotlines
  • To ensure that every story can be enjoyed as a standalone work but taken to another level of interest and enjoyment if read within the greater context of the web of mysteries I am constructing
  • To craft stories that reveal more to the reader on successive reads as connections and patterns come to light in other works
  • To gradually re-release all my classic stories, cleaned up and changed to be set within the milieu of Nockton Vale
  • To produce a mixture of shorter and longer works
  • To explore every different type of transformation story in as much detail as possible 
  • To take the lid off transformation stories and get them read by everyone the world over - not just hardcore fans
  • To respond to most blog comments posted within a couple of hours (while I'm awake at least)
  • To publish 715 books before my hundredth birthday 

I hope this enables me to provide the best stories that I can for you guys as long as I'm still breathing. 

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