Tuesday 5 August 2014

LADY ANN'S FOLLY: Chapter Five - Part One


Mavis hardly slept, lying awake in Lady Ann’s bed chamber, eyes wide open, grinning to herself at the wonder of it. She’d woken early as well, excited to get on with the day; to interact with others as a posh lady.

By the time Gladys arrived to wake and dress her she was already fully dressed and working on her hair and make-up.

“Oh, m’lady. I wasn’t expecting you up this early.”

“I’ve got better things to do with my time than loaf about in bed,” she replied, pleasantly surprised to hear her voice matching the real Ann’s more than it did the night before.

“Is there anything I can do for you miss?”

Mavis beamed, loving the sound of that. “Yes. Pack my things. I hope to leave today with Lord Hurley. Make things ready for my departure as soon as possible.”

“Yes miss.” Gladys gave a little curtsy and set to work at the wardrobe. Mavis watched her for a minute or two, enjoying her new position of authority, then finished off her face and left the room.

The family were seated for breakfast when she got downstairs: the Earl and Countess, the Uncle and Aunt from Blacklake and their children; Richard Hurley and Lady Harriet. There was a general sense of surprise when Mavis appeared.

“Good morning,” she said, pleased again to hear a decent accent issue from her lips. She was concentrating hard to be careful but it had been easier than expected.

“Ann,” said the Countess. “I didn’t expect you down so early.”

She took her seat beside Richard and the serving girl hurried out to fetch her food.

“We were just talking about your visit to Nockton to meet Richard’s mother.”

That was exactly what she needed – to get as far away as possible from the former Ann to consolidate her hold on that body. “Oh good,” she said. “I’m looking forward to that very much.”

“I was saying you shouldn’t rush,” said Hattie. “You’ve been away so long in London. We’ve hardly seen you. It would be a shame for you to goon so rapidly. A day or two more here would be sufficient to ensure that... you’ve had the chance to settle in.”

“Oh no,” replied Mavis gaily. “I’d sooner go right away.”

Hattie grew pale with alarm. “But Ann dear, we talked about this yesterday and we agreed you’d stay as you are for a couple of days. Don’t you remember?”

Mavis met her eyes and gave her a warm and satisfied smile. “I know Hattie, but then I realised how keen I am to meet Richard’s mother and I don’t want to put it off for a moment longer.” She turned to Lord Hurley. “Richard, can we go today? I’m desperate to see the place where you were raised.”

“Of course Ann. I’m eager to get back so that I can oversee the next phase of the Barton development.”

“I’ll be sorry to see the back of you,” said the Earl. “It’s been a tonic to have an extra man about the place to discuss serious matters with. All these women twitter on about is flowers and dresses.”

The three men laughed while the women scowled good-naturedly.

“Don’t worry Howard,” said Richard. “Ann and I will visit from time to time when we’re married and you’ll always be welcome at Crackshaw.”

“Still,” said Hattie, pointedly, “I think a delay of a few days would be nice Ann.”

“Oh do stop interfering Hattie,” snapped the Countess. “When you grow up you’ll understand that adults have to make difficult decisions sometimes. They can’t always do whatever they want.”

Hattie, who was twenty years old, fumed, glaring at her mother.

“No, we’ll leave today as you suggest my dear,” said Richard, lightly touching Mavis’s hand on the table. “Work always has to come first and I’ve been away from my business for far too long. We’ll leave on the afternoon train.”

“That’s perfect,” said Mavis, grinning. “I can’t wait to see this wonderful town. What did you say the name was again?”

Richard smiled back at her, raising his eyebrows as he said the word, “Nockton.”


  1. Would Mavis the bar maid and sometimes loose woman apply the same make p as a Lady?
    I should have known that Dick would be responsible for somewhere like Burton.
    Finn(picky)tasia x

    1. Looks like mavis is planning on staying as Anne and hatties plans have gone out the window


    2. Well Finntasia, if you refer to LA1 you will see that education is traded by the next morning so she would definitely be able to apply make-up, having a woman's background.

      (Sticks tongue out)

      And Rob, it looks like you may be right.

    3. It would have been amusing though, if the new Ann had applied her make up in a more, shall we say, slutty style. Missed a trick there Emma dear. (Sticks out tongue - back atcha!)
      I also notice I blamed Dick! for somewhere called Burton, when I meant Barton if course.
      Finntasia x

    4. I am extremely excited about seeing turn of the century Nockton Vale.

  2. Loving Mavis in this, she's totally awesome stepping into the role and pulling rank on her sister with no hesitation whatsoever. Looks like Ann's going to be consigned to the hayloft for a spell, then... Oh no. . . .

    1. Yeah. Mavis is much more interesting and dynamic than I expected. Such is the magic of writing.

  3. Going with your point about Mavis being interesting and dynamic, at this point both Ann and Mavis think of themselves as Mavis

    1. being Mavis is probably more fun than being Ann, and not just for the obvious reasons ;)

    2. Well both lives have promise but you may be right.

  4. But if Anne returns from nockton who is going to be inhabiting Anne's body.just a thought as we all know about nockton


  5. If New Ann leaves without touching the pendant and doesn't come back for months how complete will her transformation be?

  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Hattie went on a rampage with a butcher's knife.

    1. Bloody hell! Really? Maybe I should write that in...

    2. "all work and no play makes Hattie a dull girl"

    3. I didn't realise "play" in that context involved going on a killing spree with a butcher knife...

    4. Here's Johnny!

      (See what I did there?)

  7. And I think the old Anne will join her


  8. Or try and get the pendant and get some revenge on certain people


    1. Well as I always say, in time all will be revealed...
