Wednesday 9 July 2014

Lady Ann's Folly: Chapter Four - Part Four

In her new bedroom, Mavis couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

To be midst such luxury as this was something she could never have imagined. She’d been in the best bed chamber in the Dog & Pony many times – the one they saved for posh guests – but this was far above that. She hadn’t even known that items such as these existed. Why would she, as a lowly barmaid?

“And now look at me,” she breathed, staring at herself in the looking glass, one hand on each cheek. “I’m Lady Ann Neville! I’m Lady Ann chuffing Neville!”

She grinned and did a little dance then burst out laughing. She smirked at herself in the glass then started dancing again, this time something bawdy and lascivious, lifting her long skirts to kick out her legs as she might have done on a good night at the Dog & Pony. That set her to laughing again, hysterically.

Next she raised her nose and affected as refined a posture as she could – more exaggerated than accurate, adding a plum voice to complete the effect. “You! Boy! Fetch me my slippers! You! Butler! Bring me a cup of tea!”

Her voice was better now – slightly more posh sounding. That broke the moment and Mavis just looked at herself, face clouded with confusion and doubt.

This was really her now. And Lady Harriet had said she could stay like this for a couple of days!

She wished she hadn’t been made to hide away upstairs. She wanted to be down among the family, pretending she really was Lady Ann; giving orders to the servants!

It was still good up there though. She sat on the bed and then fell back on it, marvelling at its plump mattress. She went through the dressing table, trying on jewellery and make-up. Then she went to the wardrobe and examined what was inside. The dresses were splendiferous! They must have been worth more than the Dog & Pony itself; lock, stock and barrel!

She looked toward the door then back at the dresses, then she quickly started to disrobe, a grin spreading across her face.


  1. let me guess that headache is going to pass real quick...

  2. I think mavis is going to like being lady Anne and might not want to give it up and maybe upset harriet in the process by not doing as she asked


    1. Surely not! Surely Mavis will follow her instructions to the letter!

  3. Go Mavis; I like your style! I get the impression that Mavis is going to grab the role of Lady Ann with both hands.
    After all, she is the first character to swap in Lady Ann who has any experience of, well 'acting' ... (to clarify, I heard that the word for actress and the word for prostitute are the same in over 100 languages, and Mavis has acted a plenty at the dog and pony)

    now she is dancing in the mirror and trying on the costumes... And the best bit for me is where she thinks that she would actually like to be down amongst the Nevilles, playing the part. Go Mavis

    1. Yeah. Mavis is taking on the experience in an entirely new way that's exciting. It's been thrust on her but her reaction is totally different to anything before.

      "Acted a plenty at the Dog & Pony..." heh heh.

  4. Mavis's excitement is infectious. She is such a naughty minx, I can't wait to see what she gets up to. Blimey, she could give dickhead Richard a run for his money! IF, IF she keeps some of her character!
    Finntasia x

    1. It would be nice to see someone stand up to him.

  5. It would be nice to see dickhead Richard swapped into one of the precocious nephew / niece characters and sent to his room without any tea, if you ask me.

    I do so love it that the possibilities are simply endless in this story.

    1. Indeed. Anything could happen!

    2. no Richard and Jeb, so Burt can beat him up and Ann can look down on him.

    3. Hmmm. I think Burt should definitely give him a kicking one way or other.

  6. It's agreed then. Lord (Dickhead) Richard to get a good seeing to one way or another!
    Finntasia x

    1. Yes. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened at some point, but maybe not for a good long while yet...
