Friday 18 July 2014

Cleaner: Chapter Three - Part Three

The dark blue dress looked amazingly drab next to the chiffon blouse I was wearing but I was excited to put it on. Helping Melissa had put me properly in the mood.

I took off my blouse and baggy trousers, glancing nervously across at Melissa. She was still admiring her new look in the dressing table mirror. I looked down at my slim body, touching my stomach, picturing how Melissa had looked in her bra and panties. She was so much bigger than me. I closed my eyes, imagining I was as fat as that, that my hands were stroking a bloated stomach, frowning a little at the contradictory sensations my fingers were feeding back to me.

What would Melissa say if I added some padding underneath the dress? Would she think I was a lunatic? I could... I could put on a swimming costume under the dress... and slip folded clothes inside to provide extra bulk.

It seemed silly though – and too last minute. I’d feel like an idiot doing that now.

Maybe next time.

I looked back at Melissa.

Was there going to be a next time? Would this... Could this be something that happened regularly?

Did I want it to?

“Just enjoy this time,” I murmured to myself. “Worry about that later.”


I swung round to look at Melissa. She was looking curiously back.

“Uh, nothing,” I said. “I was just thinking out loud.”

She turned back to the mirror.

I picked up the dress and held it to my body, then catching my breath, I lifted it up and slipped it on, smoothing it into place.

It felt extremely odd. It was made of a cheaper fabric than I was used to and it was too big for me – enough to feel strange without looking too bad. I touched my stomach and thighs, my shoulders, my arms, smiling mildly, feeling it like an immersion in some strange new form.

It was only a dress but it felt like I'd become someone else; like I’d stepped out of my body and put another one on instead. I never wore anything remotely resembling this. I didn’t look like a rich model wearing it. I looked like an ordinary woman – like a cleaner – and realising that made a buzzing begin in my stomach and between my thighs.

I took the matching shoes out of their bag and set them down, then very slowly and deliberately put first one foot in and then the other.

I was getting tingles all over my body. I couldn’t explain it. Why did this turn me on so much?

I turned to Melissa and felt a chill when I realised she had been watching me. I'd been so caught up in my fantasies I hadn’t noticed. I gave her another shy smile and she smiled back at me. Despite my best intentions I felt my cheeks blossoming.

“I guess I’ll go down downstairs and see you in a bit,” I said.

“What if...?” she began. “What if I came down too?”

There was an extended pause. My eyes flicked across her different facial features, trying to gauge her.

“Okay,” I said. “Yeah. That would be... better.”

She got up to her feet. I tried to imagine what that would be like – having her there in my place properly while I took hers. I couldn’t.

There was another nervous hesitation, then I moved awkwardly to the door, conscious of how different my clothes were. She moved to join me but at the last moment I stepped back to let her go first. It was a simple polite motion but it hadn’t just been that to me. There had been another subtle layer that meant something else entirely.


  1. Wow, you brought forward the publication time forward for little ol' me? And I missed it by a whole hour because the technology needed charging!
    This chapter is beautifully studied. I love the drama; the sheer tension between them. It's oh so thrilling!
    Finn(still wake)tasia

  2. Apparently can't type at this time of night! Hopefully you know what I mean.

  3. Love this story.

    The subtle shift of status is happening so tantalizingly slowly; in tiny increments, yet each one is deliciously significant. The last line is pure class... along with the rest of it.

    "I couldn't explain it. Why did this turn me on so much"?!

    1. Yeah. I hadn't expected Dahlia to be conscious of the arousing nature of what she's doing but she is and she still can't help going along with it. And why not?

  4. They both know exactly what's going on and they love it

    1. But do they know where it could end up?

  5. Arrrgghh I need more... this is like a very dangerous and addictive drug :-) I am a helpless addict .. I need help! - Mike

    1. Hmmm. Yes. This is very serious.

      I prescribe a course of Cleaner Book 1 followed by further medication in the form of Cleaner Book 2. If this doesn't clear up the problem you might find that Cleaner Book 3 knocks it on the head.

  6. there is a weird almost passive aggressive control through submission, "'no after you,' 'No after you, I insist'" kind of thing going on here. its like neither of them can or want to slow down, but they can't or won't define it themselves so they're trying to get the other to define it.

    1. Yeah. I've never approached a story as realistically as this, trying to really explore the psychology of this strange series of trades. What would you really need to push you toward actually doing something like this?

      The boredom of the original story simply doesn't cut it.

    2. "The boredom of the original story simply doesn't cut it."

      I wouldn't put it as bleakly as that. The original story certainly did cut it but this more nuanced approach is cutting it more thinly and with a laser cutter rather than with a bread knife.

      Really loving this but, as a result, getting very, very frustrated :)

      Robyn Hoode

    3. Thanks Robyn. Keep going!

  7. its interesting to project, there will come a point where you can't easily turn back, where Dahlia will have gained enough weight that even though she doesn't look like Melissa she doesn't look like herself and vice versa. at that point how codependent will they have become?

    1. Yeah. That's an interesting idea. The idea of codependancy is worth exploring.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Hi Robyn,

      Sorry to delete your comment but it revealed a little too much for those people who haven't read the original story.

      I take your point. I think you'll find in this more fully developed version that the elements you're talking about get fully explored one way or another.

      The section of the original story that you're talking about will form the bulk of book two but it will be taken on in a far more complex and convoluted way... hopefully one that will satisfy.

    4. Sorry, Emma. Didn't mean to include any spoilers. I assumed everyone would have read the original. This new version is so much more detailed it doesn't seem to bear much relationship to the earlier one.

      Book 2 is going to be a humdinger then and as for book 3!!

      Robyn H

    5. No problemo Robyn.

      I think most people have read the original but I know of at least two regular commenters who haven't.

      Book two is the biggest mystery to me still but I love the original action from book three.

  8. when will you release full books on amazon, book one?

    1. The first 13th of the month after I finish it. I'm in a play right now so probably September with a steady wind?
