Tuesday 24 June 2014

Why You Should Get the Book of Lady Ann's Holiday

Lady Ann's Folly is really building momentum now and if you aren't reading it already then it's well worth a look. 

But of course Lady Ann's Folly is actually the second book in a trilogy. The first book is Lady Ann's Holiday!

Lady Ann's Holiday is the story of a spoiled aristocratic lady who makes the dubious decision to swap places with Burt, the stable hand on her father's estate. 

Things don't go as smoothly as she hopes and soon she is taking on Burt's lower class ways and finding out exactly what life is like as an illiterate commoner. 

Will she ever get back to being herself? 

That's what the book sets out to find out. 

Lady Ann's Holiday is still available for free in its first draft on this site and on Fictionmania but I just thought I'd flag up why the book is better. 

Why The Book is Better 

In the version that got published on Amazon I cleaned the whole manuscript up and I also expanded loads of elements. 

The first few chapters leading up to and including the change are REALLY different from the version online and there is more content throughout the book. 

In addition to that, I published the final version after I'd plotted the two sequels so I was able to go back through and add characters and locations that will suddenly become far more significant in Lady Ann's Folly and Lady Ann's Revenge! Some of the new characters become real game-changers in Lady Ann's Revenge.

If you're just getting into Lady Ann's Folly then it's critical reading but I'm actually rereading it myself this week and loving every sordid minute as Ann's willful descent into stupidity, poverty and working class status is played out in painstaking detail. 


  1. Great suggestion for anyone who hasn't got it already, I do love this book. This was the first work of yours I ever read, Emma, downloaded it on the off chance with no clue what to expect... I wasn't disappointed! A real page-turner, full of wicked plot twists..... Lady Ann is some great storytelling and now I'm hooked :)

    1. Thanks Dandelion! I'm glad you liked it. It sounds weird but I can't get enough of it.

  2. Not weird.... Me, neither. Can't wait to find out what's happening tonight in the world of Lady Ann. It's like I'm hooked on a fairytale where the magic happens at midnight.

    1. I hate to break it to you but it's Cleaner starting tonight. We finished the Lady Ann chapter night before last!

      On the subject of Lady Ann, my obsession is really something. I was plotting all weekend to bring out an ultimate edition with even more scenes. Not for a while yet though!

  3. Oh really? Ok then, guess I'll be catching up with Dahlia and Melissa's world tonight then :) good of you reminding me, it's better to have my expectations set now rather than later!

    on the Lady Ann obsession, that can only be good news for us fans! Maybe you should write a screen play of it, I could absolutely imagine it to be a movie :)

    1. I would love to see a film too. That would be awesome!

      Well I could write a screenplay. If any readers out there happen to be movie moguls then let me know.
