Wednesday 11 December 2013

Lady Ann's Holiday: Chapter Thirty Three - Part Eight

Feeling rather cowed by his run-in with Lord Hurley, Burt spent the rest of the day working hard, basically slipping into the easy path his “upbringing” had drummed into him.
He was made to carry more produce into the village but relished the chance to get away. He found it stressful feeling at any moment that he might run into Lady Ann. He really didn’t know where he stood or what to expect. Avoiding the situation entirely was better.
When he got back, Harry had him restacking the contents of one of the barns. It was filthy and gruelling labour but simple enough and that was what Burt liked. He hated being given tasks that taxed his brain. It was the simpler, the better as far as he was concerned.
While he worked he reflected on how far he had come for the first time properly since his release from gaol.
First had come the transformation itself, followed by his slow descent into lowborn ways as he revelled in pushing the changes further and further. Then had come the realisation that he was trapped, at least temporarily, and the continuing panic-stricken plunge into true stupidity and servility.
Afraid his head might split from the pressure, he’d taken the gypsy’s potion, letting his soul become a perfect match for his body, and for a time he had forgotten who he used to be in peaceful contentment with his lot in life.
He wondered now if he wouldn’t have been happier if he’d just remained like that, but instead, in a brief period of restored lucidity he had got to the pendant and locked his memories in place: almost entirely Burt in thought and deed but retaining the knowledge of who he used to be.
Now, with the vow he’d made to the Earl and to himself – to cease fighting against his destiny and accept it wholeheartedly – he was more Burt than ever… more himself.
It wasn’t just the way he looked, or the way he thought or acted. It was who he was and… to a great extent… who he wanted to be.
He came out of the barn feeling more confused than before he went in and stopped dead when he saw two figures walking away from the hall: Lady Ann and Lord Hurley.
Burt stepped back into the doorway, peeping round the frame so that he could spy on their movement.
Lord Hurley’s arm was crooked and Lady Ann rested her hand through the loop he made as they walked, chatted and laughed.
They passed out of his view and Burt slipped out of the barn and followed after, keeping them just in sight.
They looked like a couple deeply in love and realising that made Burt shudder with bewilderment and jealousy. Part of him resented his poverty and this woman who had stolen his wealth and the rich suitor who pursued him, but the greater part wanted to simply be that suitor. He wished he could take Lady Ann’s arm and guide her down the path. He wished he could hold her in his arms and kiss her.
But he couldn’t. It was clear that she cared for Lord Hurley now. What chance could he have against that competition? And further, it seemed she was in no hurry to change back with him. Surely if she were she could have sought him out by now.
Or was she merely trapped in the social round? Perhaps she truly couldn’t get away.
Feeling guilty, Burt wandered back to the stable.
Jeb told him that Harry had already gone home to check on his wife and let him off for the evening.
“Thank you sir,” said Burt, bobbing his head then feeling wretched that Jeb used to be his friend and equal.
He walked round to the stairs up to his hay loft.
He had to seek out lady Ann as soon as he could and give her the opportunity to swap back. That was all there was to it.
But when he entered the hay loft he found Mavis already ensconced, waiting for him, naked.
“Eh up lad,” she said, smirking lasciviously, lying back on his pallet, her legs spread, all her feminine assets on display. “I thought you’d never get ere.”
Burt looked from her face to her tits to her exposed minge and the thick rod in his trousers swelled painfully quickly.
“Chuffin eck Mavis,” he said.
Suddenly all thought of magical transformations vanished from his mind and even thoughts of Lady Ann. The sensations of pleasure spread outward in a widening circle from his crotch.
“Get over ere and gimme a sight o that cock o yours,” said Mavis playfully. “I been thinkin about getting it in me all day. I was afraid to come and see ye after the Earl took you away from the village but I’m so happy you didn’t have to go away.”
Burt grinned, guilty he hadn’t sought Mavis out last night in his weariness – that he’d been obsessing over his own affairs all day long instead of putting his mind to what really mattered – pleasuring his lass.
He hurriedly climbed out of his clothes and eagerly climbed on top of her on the pallet, his naked form pressing up against hers as he wrapped her in his arms and they pressed their lips together.
It felt so good to do it and there was suddenly no space left in his mind to consider giving any of this up.


  1. Wasn't Jeb fired and sent back to the farm by Ann -john

  2. Are then pendant and the potion connected, because it seems like the second touch cancelled part of the effect of the potion? -john

    1. There is a link between the two but you may need to read half a dozen more stories before you find out what it is...

      I wouldn't say it cancelled it as such but it might have had a similar effect.


  3. It's funny but one way to tell Burt likes you is that he gets naked beforehand -john

    1. The same thing works on me.


    2. I walked into that one didn't I? :) no I just met that for booty calls he doesn't get undressed. -John
