Friday 12 September 2014

CLEANER: Chapter Five - Part Five


I almost couldn't believe it when Dahlia came out to see me carrying a drink.

I'd been enjoying myself so much I'd lost track of any passing of time. I'd forgotten myself and my environment. With our previous exchanges under my belt, I'd allowed myself to really relax this time. It was wonderful to lounge out here in the constant warmth, reading the magazine that Dahlia had discarded the day before, exactly as if I'd been the one to discard it.

When I caught sight of Dahlia I actually started for a moment, not recognising her. With the dark hair and glasses and in those clothes, she really looked like an entirely different person. There even seemed  to be a difference in her posture. I almost thought I'd been caught in the act. But no. She had actually brought me a drink! Like she was my slave or something! It really was too rich! I had to be dreaming!

"I thought you might like a drink." Even her voice seemed different, more timid, less in control.

I took it gladly, taking a sip. It was gloriously nice; made even better by the mode of delivery.

I wondered if she was going to go on to say something else - offer some further service - but after a moment's hesitation she simply withdrew. I watched her go, wondering what would happen if I instructed her to fetch me something else but afraid to risk it. I was desperate not to burst the bubble on this ride, but I had no idea what her personal limits were so it was a tricky business.

Then she looked back at me suddenly and said, "Will that be all Dahlia?" and I gaped in wonder.

Could she have really said that? Was it possible? I couldn't have misheard it. She'd called me by her name.

I didn't know how to reply. No. I knew exactly how to reply. I was just too scared to.

But then I thought of going down on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor in the classroom the other day and I found myself saying, "Thank you Melissa. Nothing right now."


  1. It amazing how much joy a simple sentence can provide

    1. Considering a name change for the blog?

      Emma Finn's Dark and Dirty Tales of Transformation ;-)


  2. Difference in her posture and even in her voice.
    I think this is the essence of that part how ever small it is. And of course the last phrase.
    The roles are defined now.
    I wonder what comes next?

    Monica G.

    1. Something dark and dirty hopefully.

      Oops. Did I say that out loud?

    2. oops should be here

      Considering a name change for the blog?

      Emma Finn's Dark and Dirty Tales of Transformation ;-)


    3. "smutty tales of transformation?"

  3. This is like the drips from Chinese water torture when what I really need is a long, hot shower. It's great that we've had two updates but I'm greedy. I want more!! At least we know that the new Dahlia is gaining a little more confidence. Does that bode well or ill for the real Dahlia in her real life? I'm sure it bodes very well for her fantasy life, though.

    At least the story I'm editing comes to me in bigger chunks but the writer takes delight in keeping me in the dark so I can emulate a reader and enjoy the surprises. So a similar experience.


    1. Well one day, when my life calms down, I'll publish the book. Then you can have your deluge.

      As for how it bodes... Who can say?

      Apart from me obviously. And I ain't talking!

  4. It looks like the position of cleaner /employer are now going to be reversed. I wonder if she will get the new Melissa do her cleaning at the school


  5. Emma,
    Well the "door is opening" for Melissa offering her "a window of opportunity", does she rush in "where angels fear to tread", or does she "tread water", "its your call".
    It`s "coming along nicely" Emma.
    That's it I`m all out of cliché`s for now.

    1. (Looks bemused)

      (But in a good way)

    2. Sorry,
      Ramlblings, caused by the after effects of tsiporo.

      (though also in a good way)

    3. how about "haste makes waste?"

    4. I'll waste you in a minute!
