Thursday 8 May 2014

Lady Ann's Folly: Chapter Two - Part One

Lady & Harlot


Mavis grew more and more ill at ease, the closer Gladys took her to Griply Hall.

She enjoyed going there to visit Burt but she’d never had an easy relationship with the quality. She was too outspoken – she knew that was her problem, and her father had told her so enough times. She understood that they were more rich and powerful than she was and therefore more dangerous; but she also understood that it was an accident of birth. They weren’t better people than she was. Quite the opposite to judge by some of the “gentlemen” she’d been exposed to in her time.

She’d learned to stay well clear. The risk was simply too great that she might blurt out some honest but inappropriate comment that could land her in trouble. Much as she might resent the censorship, she did understand that it wasn’t worth the hassle. And it wasn’t only the direct trouble. Her da was liable to crucify her if he got wind of anything like that. He was bad enough at the best of times. He could be a right mardy git if he wanted to be.

Gladys wasn’t giving anything away about Lady Ann’s intentions. She didn’t know most likely. They’d been playmates as lasses and she’d always been thick as a brick and as trustworthy as a dog with bacon on his head. Her ladyship wouldn’t tell Gladys anything unless she had to know. She was a blabbermouth and always had been.

They didn’t talk as they passed the entrance to the hall’s drive and started up. They’d barely exchanged words since leaving the pub. There weren’t friends anymore; hadn’t been since Gladys got her position and started slinging her weight around like Lady Muck.

They got to the branch in the drive and took the route down past the stables. Mavis wondered if she might see Burt again but he wasn’t visible. Probably off doing some heavy lifting. It was practically all he was good for. That and shagging obviously.

They passed the stable and went on. Old Harry wasn’t about either.

“Ere, where you takin me? I thought we was goin to the ‘ouse.”

“No. The ‘olidee cottage,” replied Gladys. “Er ladyship wants it done quiet like.”

“Oh really?” Mavis raised an eyebrow, trying to imagine what this could possibly all be about. Literally nothing came to her mind. What could she, a barmaid, possible have to offer a poncy lady? And secretely... Her mind boggled.

“Ere,” said Gladys, pointing. “That’s where she told me to bring you.”

The holiday cottage was tucked off the path surrounded by thick trees. It had a subtle ageing quality with flaking paintwork and numerous spider webs. It wasn’t used anywhere near often enough to retain the lived in look. Even with the Earl’s brother staying it wasn’t being used.

“Let’s just get this over with,” said Mavis. Gladys reached for the door, struggling to pull it back, but Mavis stepped past her pushing in front and stepped into the hall. It had a chill to it inside; a stillness; but there was someone in the lounge; the lady waiting.

Mavis tutted to herself, looked to the sky then steeled herself for the faux respect she’d have to manufacture in the stuck-up lady’s presence. She walked into the entrance of the room. Lady Ann was standing in front of the mantelpiece and seeing her gave Mavis pause. She didn’t look haughty and superior for once. She looked almost frightened. This odd timidity wavered, then she seemed to recall herself and stood a little prouder; more erect.

Mavis recalled herself too; and thinking of her father and the earful she might get, forced herself into a more submissive pose. Having to do so irritated her, but what other choice did she have? Still, inside her heart she nurtured a little bit of hatred; not just for Ann but for all her kind.

 “Ere you are m’lady,” said Gladys.

“Thank you,” replied Ann. “You may leave us.”

“Are ye sure miss?”

“I said go Gladys. Must you question every instruction I give you?”

“Sorry m’lady.” She hurried out and Mavis smirked to herself. It served the grovelling dumpling right.

She felt their aloneness suddenly a moment later. She had never been with a member of the quality in a place like this with no one else present before. Ann was fiddling with the odd necklace she was wearing. Mavis had never noticed it before, and she an observant person. She tended to spot that kind of thing at a gut level, simply because it was her policy to steal anything of value she happened across if she thought she could get away with it. She was certain the lady hadn’t been wearing it earlier, though she had changed out of her riding habit and into a blue cap-sleeved dress.

People in the village said that Lady Ann was the most beautiful woman for miles around and though Mavis would have had to grudgingly agree if pressed on the point she resented it like hell. It didn’t help matters that Burt was well known for being infatuated by her. The stuck-up cow should stay away from other women’s property.

The silence between them continued for a moment or two more then finally Lady Ann made direct eye contact and said, “I have a proposition for you.”

Mavis shrugged. “Wot?” Still she couldn’t imagine what it could be.

Ann again took on that odd timidity again and spent several moments searching for the words she wanted. Mavis took the time to assess the room. There wasn’t anything here worth swiping. It was mostly just soft furnishings and a couple of paintings. She’d get nicked lickety-split if she tried to fence any of that down in the village or even over the hill in Blacklake.

“I have brought you here...” began Ann. “I have asked Gladys to fetch you... because I wish to ask a favour of you. No. Rather I wish to pay for your services.”

“What kind of services?”

“It will seem fantastical.”

“Try me.”

Ann smiled – in and of itself a plainly odd act – then placed her hands for a moment over her mouth and nose. “How to explain...?” she murmured. Then she brightened. “Perhaps if rather than explaining I approached this in an entirely different way.”

“I’m listenin.”

“What I seek of you can be explained in simple terms without the need to go into the detail at first. That can come later.”


“I wish just three things of you,” said Ann. “First, I want to swap clothes will you.”

“Eh?” Mavis curled her lip and nose into what might have been a sneering query. Instead no sound came out and she only held the expression for a moment then let it go.

“I would like to swap clothes and then I will tie you up in that chair.” She gestured to a comfortable armchair in the bay window.

Mavis had another question but she kept silent.

“While you’re tied up I will leave here for approximately two hours. When I get back, you will still be there safely and I will untie you. At that point we will exchange clothes again and you can be on your way with five pounds in your pocket.”

Mavis frowned, feeling very confused. “So... you just want to borrow me dress and leave me ‘ere for a while?”

“Essentially, yes,” replied Ann. “That is the long and the short of it.”


Lady Ann’s expression clouded, as though the question utterly stumped her. When finally she answered, she said, “Never you mind. You will do as you are instructed and be richly rewarded for your time. The other details will become... apparent momentarily. As far as you are concerned, you will be sitting quietly here. The ropes are merely a precaution to ensure you live up to your side of the bargain.”

Mavis eyed Ann suspiciously, reminding herself to show a little more respect. The stick she might get if she didn’t do that didn’t bear thinking about. “Five pounds? Just to sit ere while you gallivant around in me dress?”

Ann nodded.

It beggared the imagination to wonder what the crazy woman had in mind but it was easy money. There wasn’t anything to suggest it was a bad idea really. Mavis shrugged. “Ahright then. Why not. You got yerself a deal.”

“Good,” said Ann, grinning with what seemed to be an almost crazed excitement in her eyes. “Then let’s get started.”


  1. Things are getting kinky.

    1. Well at least Ann has learned from her predecessor's mistakes... somewhat.

    2. perhaps but I suspect this won't be the first time Mavis has been tied up then there is the interesting question of if she ties her up and then switches, will the knots come undone?

  2. Steal anything of value...

  3. Interesting thought on mavis' stealing, everyone in the dog and pony knew about "burt's" 20 pounds, since that first night when he bought drinks, Burt was careless with the money, but he did seem to feel it went too quickly. like a teenager pulling a twenty out of mom's purse.

  4. Looks like things might get interesting if mavis istied up as Anne and she is found


  5. I hope she remembers to gag mavis or she might end up staying as her

    ps hope they make lady anne into a movie

    1. I'd love for them to make a film of it. Well, we can but hope...

  6. Excellent start to the second chapter. Really looking forward to reading the rest. If it's gonna go like I think it's gonna go it has the potential to become one of your best stories ever. Just please please don't make them "magically adapt" to their new bodies (or at least make it a very long process). Wouldn't that be fun if Lady Ann in Mavis's body continued to talk and behave like an upper class lady to the shock and ridicule of everyone around her and would then make an effort to blend in with the lower classes (while still remembering who she was)? Could be just me, but I think that would be far more exciting than the "i can't 'elp it but i'm droppin' all my h's now" scenario.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I know what you mean about keeping the voices the same but I fear you may have come to the wrong place if yer 'opin for some right stuck up talk comin out of the new Mavis for any lengthy period of time.

      If Ann does go through with it then in all likelihood she will start to drop a few H's if she's not careful.

      But hopefully it will still be good!

    2. I am sure it will still be good, no question there. Please keep them coming, can't wait to read more of this story.

    3. Your wish is my command!

    4. When will the book be released as I don't know if I can wait for all the installments


    5. Not for months I'm afraid. I'm on chapter four so far but have loads of other projects I'm working on.

  7. I'm glad please keep up the great work .I love your writing,.


    1. Thanks Rob! It is literally thanks to you and other commenters here that I keep writing so I'll keep producing if you keep making comments from tiem to time.

  8. I love how you portray the opposing view of each protagonist; how their attitude toward each other changes when they first meet.
    I too am intrigued how tying up buxom Mavis will succeed if and when she takes on the slimmer form of Ann. Reading on...
    Finntasia x

    1. Maybe she could flex her buxomness to break the ropes!
