Saturday 3 May 2014

Coming Soon!

You may be excited to learn that in just ten days I will be releasing a brand new anthology of short stories on Amazon and Kobo! 

I have been a short story writing machine for the past few months and I'll be releasing two (or maybe three) books full of shorter transformation stories over the coming months. 

The first of these contains six stories, all set in the mysterious twin-towns of Nockton and Barton. 

Three will be classic tales that have been around for a while that I have given an overhaul to. These have been tidied up where needed and set within the framework of NocktonVale. 

In addition to them there will be three brand new stories, each one crafted to be the best transformation stories they can be. 

There are gender swaps, weight gain, age progression, female to female and age regression stories in there so there should be something for everyone. 

I'll be giving you more detail closer to the time about what the stories are about but some excited rubbing of hands together now might be in order.


  1. Can't wait to read them

    1. Thanks Rob. I think you will like them and I'd love to see your review when ypu've had the chance.
