Wednesday 30 April 2014

IN NOCKTON VALE - Man: Wanted - Final Chapter - Part Five

I walked back into the hotel feeling just as awful as Billy must have felt when he walked away from our marriage, and I realised, in my way, I was just as bad as him.

I had thought I was a better person when I was a man but I was just as bad as any of them. I’d been worse. Everything about me as Geoff was a lie. I had lied and lied and lied and lied.

But... in other ways... I had told the truth more fully as Geoff than I ever had as myself.

It was unnatural and it was wrong. I had been born a woman. That was the life that had been intended for me. It didn’t matter how much it hurt to see Sangeeta walk away from me or to hear her bitter words.

I had made the right choice; the only choice that made rational sense.

I went back through the glass doors and made my way across to the bar. Billy saw me and came to join me.

“Are you okay? What happened? What did she want? Was she looking for Geoff?”

“Yeah,” I said. “She was looking for Geoff. But she couldn’t find him.”

“Do you know where he’s gone?”

“Yes,” I replied. “He’s gone away.”

“Gone where?”

I turned to him. “Can you fetch my handbag? I want to buy another drink.”

“Sure. I think we both could do with one.”

I motioned to the barmaid to draw her over. “Can I have a beer please?”

“Sure. Heineken okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks. Whatever.”

Billy returned with my bag and said to the barmaid, “I’ll have a bottle of Bulmers if you got it.”

I got my purse out and cracked it open. In the side pocket, the ring was peeping out, the carven runes on its surface glistening darkly. I stared at it long enough for the barmaid and Billy to notice I'd gone into a trance.

“Hey,” chuckled Billy, clicking his fingers near my face. “You still with us?”

“No,” I said.

“Huh?” He chuckled again.

I looked at him. “No Billy. I don't want to be with you.”

He gaped at me. “What? What are you talking about?”

“I can’t be with you Billy. I’m sorry.”

“But... I explained what happened. I apologised. I said that we could work things out.”

I shook my head. “Some things, you can’t apologise for. Some things happen and you can’t come back from it. Ever. It doesn’t matter how much you want to.” I regarded him levelly. “You had your chance with me Billy. But you blew it. And now it’s over.”

“But... I drove all the way from Coventry!”

I laughed. “Is that all you can say?”

“We can sort stuff out Ali; really. You don’t have to be like this. I swear we can put the past behind us and build a new life. What we had together; you have to admit it was priceless; right?”

“It was good,” I said. “But it was all just fireworks and flash. There wasn’t any substance. And I was so wrapped up in it I thought it was what I needed. I got so used to it; attached to it; that I thought I'd shrivel up alone if I couldn’t keep hold of it. It took you coming back here to break the spell. That’s the crazy thing. If you hadn’t come back I might have gone on doting after you until my grave. Now, I look at you and I just see some skinny runt who thinks he’s God’s answer to women.”


“I see a little man who doesn’t deserve to be with me.”

“But... But...” He floundered, wrong-footed, and I quietly smiled.

“Goodbye Billy,” I said.

“Wait,” he said. “Just hang on a second. We can work things out. We can still sort things. It isn’t unfixable. I can change my ways; I swear.”

“You know what we’re doing here?” I asked.


“We’re wasting precious seconds. Of my life. Seriously. It’s over Billy. I’m leaving. You can pay for the drinks yourself.”

I turned to go.

“Just wait a second,” he said. “There was something else.”

I paused.

“Something I was going to wait and ask you in a few days... Though I guess I might as well... Will you listen?”

I looked back over my shoulder.

“Just that...” He tried to collect his thoughts and then blundered on. “I have this business opportunity; a real chance to get back on my feet and start bringing in some cash again; and I was thinking how we could pool our resources and go into it together.” He attempted a weak smile. “It was kind of a surprise. To show you how serious I am about us.”

“Pool our resources?”


“You mean I sell my parents’ house and give you the money?”

“Er... I wouldn’t have said it like that, but.... yeah.”

I laughed. I laughed long and I laughed loudly.


I went on laughing, only gradually taking a hold of myself, then I burst out laughing again.

“What’s so funny?”

I calmed myself. “You are a tosspot Billy; you really are.”


“Did you really manage to persuade yourself that you came here for me? Or were you blatantly trying to rip me off?”

“No. Of course not! I really really love you!”

I chuckled. “Yeah. Right. I believe you. Like I believe you aren’t seeing Tia anymore.”

“I’m not.”



“Okay then. Show me your phone. Your recent calls list. You said you hadn’t talked to her for ages. The phone will be the proof, right?”

Billy pressed his lips together, his face turning scarlet.

“Just as I thought.” I went to leave.

“Wait Ali. Please. I know you aren’t ready to get back together. I understand that. Really. But I’m... I’m in a lot of debt and it would really help me out if you could reconsider that business proposition. It’ll make you a mint; I promise. And maybe we could still work things out.”

I kept walking.

“Ali, please! I’ll be ruined without you. I need you!”

I stopped in the doorway and looked back. “No Billy,” I said. “What you need is to go and fuck yourself.”


  1. I was going to say that I think Billy needs to be slapped, but I think what she did is even better

    1. I had planned for a knee in the groin but Alison put it much better.

  2. I love the pitch for "investment capital" at the end.

  3. Oh my, Alison sure changed attitude quickly! I do agree that she did well to dump Billy since he clearly doesn't love her, he just needs her for her money and that's quite low, but I don't know why I still feel a little sorry for him, the way he got dumped.
    Could have something to do with that part with the checking the recent calls list, it sort of reminds me of how it actually ended with one girlfriend of mine years ago... ah the memories! :(

    1. It's his own fault for failing to purge Tia out of the list, pregame people!

    2. Yeah, always keep your cellphone clean of any suspect, female names heh heh, call lists and text messages alike! Still, Billy was a dick hoping to get back with Alison to be with her while still seeing Tia...

    3. I think she knew deep down that he was bad news from when he returned. Her gut was telling her to avoid him after all.

      That crap about Tia and the investment money was just the icing on the cake.

    4. Still at first she seemed really happy to be reunited with him, then right after the episode with Sangeeta she insults Billy multiple times and dumps him. I guess it's pretty realistic though, often people don't exactly know what they feel and they can go back and forth between quite opposite ideas. I like that in your characters, you manage to give them believable personalities! -Mr.G

    5. Thanks. I find that when decisions are really big it can feel almost impossible to decide, especially when the subject is so emotive. Your heart can tell you one thing while you brain says another.

    6. as sappy as it sounds, I have had almost this exact same conversation. (no magic artifacts though) it starts out very happy, you have the personal validation of them coming back, which boosts your confidence but that also reminds you how much of a piece of shit they were too you.

    7. Yes. It's the age old question: if they've done it once, will they do it again?
