Wednesday 10 June 2015

CLEANER: Chapter Four - Part Two


When I opened my eyes the room was still very dim, what early morning light there was restricted by the tiny window. My vision was blurry. It was always blurry now. With constant wear of my glasses I had pushed my vision three prescription notches away from normal, sufficient to effectively ruin my eyesight when I wasn’t wearing them.

I turned off the alarm then lay in bed thinking about that.

My eyes were so used to the glasses now that I couldn’t see straight without them. I only had two more prescriptions to go before I reached the same one that... the original Melissa had worn. I wondered if I was ready to go up another notch already. My brain had been able to keep up with each progressive change so far, adjusting to the focus distortion until I could see again. Maybe I could. What would that feel like?

I lay there imagining the thicker lenses, the heavier frames on my face. I imagined taking them off a week from now and having even worse eyesight, like looking into pools of rippling water. I got a dreamy sense of mild euphoria, my mind trundling along considering each aspect of that, the sensations I would feel; the impact it would have on my long term vision.

Was I permanently damaging my eyesight? Would I have to wear thick glasses for the rest of my life?

The headache I seemed to have all the time now crept up the back of my head, making my scalp feel too tight for the skull inside it.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and sighed. I didn’t have time to waste ruminating. I had to get ready for my cleaning duties.

I was weary in a way I hadn’t felt before coming to Greece: partly the limited sleep I was getting before the daily grind began day after day, and partly the extra weight I was carrying now.

I put on my glasses and went to the mirror to look at myself.

The woman I had been; the slim and beautiful super model; was well and truly gone now.

Over the past two months I had consumed perhaps five or six times as much food each day as I might have done in my old life. All-you-can-eat breakfast buffet followed by all-you-can-eat lunch and all-you-can-eat dinner. On top of that I had chocolate and crisp snacks throughout the day, swilled down with Coca Cola and a doggy bag of dinner leftovers that I troughed on before bed that amounted to another large meal.

I had put on a lot of weight. A lot.

The extra fat had gone onto my stomach making a pillowy fold distending my waistline. It had gone onto my thighs and buttocks, swelling them. It had gone onto my upper arms giving me growing bingo wings that rippled like liquid when I made rapid movements like when I was mopping the hotel floors. It had gone into my breasts, making them swell, becoming rounder, but also making them hang differently; deeper. Most disturbingly it had gone onto my face.

My eyes, nose and mouth were in the same place but as my cheeks and neck showed greater and greater signs of thickening it was becoming like those features were a little mask placed on the front of a head too large to fit it.

With the bobbed brown hair and the glasses I was looking more like the real Melissa than ever. My features were still my own but the extra fat showed me now that we really hadn’t been that different in the first place. Our eyes were the same shape, equally placed and the proportions were a close match.

I wasn’t Dahlia anymore. Nobody would have recognised me; not immediately at least, and certainly not without a sense of shock, disbelief… and disgust.

Looking at myself I was filled with that same sense of disapproving wonder now. I couldn’t believe I’d really gone through with this; that I’d actively pursued the destruction of my beauty. But surely that beauty was gone now, at least by the standards of most men and women. A minority of people might have found me attractive now; those who liked big women; but to the bulk of the population I was no longer a sex object at all. I was just a fat woman, barely worth a glance; someone who sank into the background in any situation with her mousy hair and squinting, befuddled-looking eyes.

The headache got worse, sucking at the backs of my eyeballs.

I pressed my eyes tight shut and rubbed my pulse points in little circles.

The room was a mess, clothes on the floor, sweet, crisp and kebab wrappers, pizza boxes and empty Coke bottles discarded on any surface available. I spent so long cleaning in the day that I couldn’t face doing it in my own space. There was half a bottle of gin still open next to the little TV. I eyed it, wondering if a tipple or two before work would help with my headache.

I had a brief shower instead, not bothering to wash my hair then put on my cleaning uniform.

The first one I’d been given was still hanging in the wardrobe, untouched for weeks. I had gone up two sizes since then. It was laughable how tiny that one looked now compared to the one I had to wear now, and this one was straining at the seams. Tight across the folds of fat, it accentuated them in a way that was both horrifying and fascinating to me.

I looked at myself in the mirror now, dressed in the garb of my role.

It didn’t feel odd anymore, so much time had gone by of daily toil, but I was being reflective this morning and I regarded the type of person the uniform made me look like, especially with the added bulk I’d gained.

I went to the bedside drawer and took out the pair of glasses with the next prescription up. I took off the ones I was wearing, pitching my vision out of focus, and placed the new, heavier frames on my face.

My vision distorted again, making it harder for me to see… but not impossible. I squinted, giving my brain the command to begin getting used to them.

Just one more pair after this and my eyesight would be as bad as the original Melissa’s had been.

The headache got worse behind my eyes but that same sense of dreamy euphoria returned anyway, a pink glow that centred on my lower regions.

I looked at my reflection, distorted though it was, and smiled at the fat, plain woman looking back at me; the hotel cleaner.

That was me. I had really changed. And I was going to go on changing.

Every day I got a little fatter; my eyesight grew progressively worse. One day soon I would be as close to being the original Melissa as it was possible to get.


  1. Wow(again) Emma!
    Awesome detail, I`m loving it.
    Well worth waiting for I must say.


  2. the banality of the setting makes what has happened even more terrifying, yes even evil. The trash on the floor, the bone wearness of too much work, & specially the HALF EMPTY bottle of Gin ( surely a cheap drink of the lower orders) & her even thinking of taking a morning nip.
    Scary when she looks at the very fat woman in the mirror & thinks maybe with pride that the super model is gone, no ONE WOULD RECOCONIZE her now as Dahlia. She was just a fat clearer with a horrible haircut. A telling point for later was her rcognotion that since her face was so fat she didn't look as dissimplar as the original M as she first thought. Eyes same shape & distance apart & the rest of the face not as different as she fatirst thought. Thi of ociurse will be important later.
    The origonal M sure has gone a great job brain washing & conditionin D. She would never have pushed it this far without her bullying and persvation, espeially all the hard work as a hotel cleaner. But D still gets the insane euphoria sexily with the changes & her new identity..
    And she is deterined to go getting more & more as like the original M as she can.
    BRRRR! chilling. Her madness hasn't abated, she is retreating more & more into M persona & shape..
    I would have like to see her reflect perhps a little on how well the new D was progrssing into being slim & lovely, but no doubt you are saving that for another chapter.
    Also, how well there 'lesson' in each other memory & voices is going. I just can't help being greedy, can't wait for more.

    1. Thanks Eric. It is churning along nicely now. I'm trying to get some momentum going now and things are certainly moving on.

      I've been further fleshing out the outline and the flow is starting to move toward a place where the climax will come into view. There's still a way to go yet though!

    2. she's only gone up two sizes and has this one and another prescription to work through. take your time this cake needs time to rise

    3. I'm actually wondering whether I shouldn't have jumped as far forward. There could have been an interim chapter.

      I guess I could add that at a later date...

    4. Live edit, flashback?

    5. Maybe in the final published version.

  3. My mouth waters. I wonder where the climax will be after the Plastic surgery or maybe Katherines being protective of the faux Dehalia or their arrive home, anyway I can't wait!

    1. Well we can look to the original story for some ideas I guess (though how different it already is from there suggests some major divergence).

    2. I agree. I recently went back to the original tale on FM & I htink you'll prably make major divergence. For example the model in the original still thinks shes in control & is agrogent & Melissa seems less intellegent.
      Here's some fearless & presumtive predicts for the end. LOL!
      The new Dahlia will have an affair at th veryleast - maybe even maarry Tomm.
      Katherine will be fooled & be protectvie of ;Dahlia' & be nast to 'Mellissa' & the new D will 'reminicence with them having the former D's memories.
      The new M will even work in one of the schools. She will be beteaned or absued by M's husbnd who of course has noticed no difference.
      They never swap back & the former D is dragged further & further in the original's M life while the new D resummes 'her' catreer & gets away with the swap.
      After while the new Melissa wondersif she was ever D.
      The new D is so happy, especially having everything the original has including friendships while the former D is now living her miserable & pitaful life. Don't you just love happy ends. Seriously, the way you've writtn this wonderful story I reallyh don't see much hope for anything but a tragic ending.

    3. Well it isn't over until it's over! We'll see!

    4. Well see indeed. Don't take my pathetic predictions, Its just what I see the story heading to. Lots can happen & I woud be delighted I am sure with any endings you decide on. I jusy think its fun to play with ideas & maybes. As you know I'm a great admirer.As for the endings that's FAR in the future, & besides what do I kown?

    5. Absolutely. We're just under half way through the trilogy at this point so there's a long way to go yet as you say. I honestly don't know what will happen. I originally planned to keep fairly close to the original story but I have already moved a lot of the part three stuff into part two. This means that part three will have to go to a whole different level.

      Also the fates of the characters in the original didn't make as much sense as I would like. Even if their fates remain the same then a lot will have to change to get from here to there.

    6. I'm sure you will come up with something brilliant & ironic based on your other wiriings & especially how you've handled this story, I am continually surprised at its believble unbelievable twists & turns. the way you've draw the characters - especially poor Dehlia ring true.

    7. Yeah. Thanks. My top goal here is to do my best to explore how a real woman might make these crazy decisions and keep pushing forward with it. It seems implausible on the surface but there are a lot of women, and men, who fatten themselves up on purpose. It's a whole thing.

      And by the way, there is a story exploring just that in my next New You anthology, out soon!

    8. ohhhh!! I do love a good weight gain story - MIke W

    9. Oh good. I hope you like that one. There are actually weight gain elements in four of five of the new stories.

  4. Emma, this is one of the best chapters in this saga so far. The little details, the thoughts... I am really impressed by how you are developing the story. You got me truly addicted now (as if I wasn't checking your site daily to see if a new chapter has been posted already!)

    1. Thanks Camille! Well I'm aiming for releases every three days right now, still alternating with Lady Ann.

      Addiciton is good though - as far as my stories go!

    2. Excellent. Marking my calendar!

  5. Oh my God Emma.... it's perfect! I can't wait for the mutual shock when Dahila and Melissa next meet! That's if Dahila can even find her... heh heh.

    1. It will certainly be interesting to see the comparison face to face. But first...

    2. yes... yes?? go on ;-)

    3. ... we'll be finding out a bit more about Dahlia's new life.

  6. unbelievably definitely worth the wait. If this is what you deliver I ORDER you to take a week between postings, (pause while I'll slap myself) ignore that, its just my darker side.

    1. Well you said it. Right. You can explain to the other readers how you made me post less regularly.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. speaking of unhealthy living.

    2. There, you see. Crazy people do crazy things. Often true stories are the most unbelievable!

  8. Addiction? I gave up trying to fight that with Emma's stories some time back. I think this is the first such jump in the action and it is certainly a key moment.. that kind of final cliff is approaching very fast - Mike W

  9. A belated thought. Very clever in a quiet way I hadn't thught of with D memorizing M's life story she surely would have been gosiping with her 'equals' of HER llife so she would fit riiht in. Poor Dehlia ore * more enclased in M's miserable life & even persona.

  10. Just read this again... and so many additional details strike me this time around. The way you describe how she is gaining weight around the face and altering her looks, so you see the weight and then her face up on it is very graphic and, I might say, realistic. I have noticed that with friends as they put on weight (sadly inevitable it seems with age) that they seem to lose their characteristic features. Nicely done - Mike W

    1. Thanks Mike. Yeah. Weight gain is a tricky thing to avoid and it can have a subtley altering effect on a person's features.

  11. where i the original story?

    1. Well as a matter of fact, in the near future I'm planning to release a polished version of the original story. So watch this space. It will probably be out in mid July.

  12. Emma,

    I have mixed feelings about a two months gap, Dahlia certainly has gained many of the physical characteristics of Melissa but she still thinks of herself as Dahlia and not Melissa. She doesn’t appear to have mentally become Melissa especially with the regular meetings and learning each others “back story.” I would have hoped that they would start to be her waking thoughts.

    I also feel that Katherine has waited too long before searching for Dahlia, she’s been with her for over 16 years, through her worst moments and clearly recognised her declining mental health and the additional push with Michael’s death and yet she didn’t contact the police, Dahlia’s psychologist, GP, her psychiatrist or even her bank to raise her concerns. I appreciate that she is an adult but with her history she clearly is “vulnerable” and not just eccentric. It wouldn’t be that difficult for the bank with the support of the health professionals to check her bank statements and withdrawals in Greece.

    One final point, swapping names and roles is fine but, even with Greece’s current need for tourist income they didn’t ask for either passports which I’ve always had to deposit with the hotel when checking in where it would become instantly clear who is who.

    All that aside I can’t help feel like Katherine towards Dahlia, I want her to be protected and safe but I have this guilty urge to see her fall further and further with Melissa reaching her goal only to have it snatched away.

