Sunday 20 September 2015

CLEANER II: Chapter Five - Part Six


On the journey back to the hotel and my filthy menial job I alternated between three contrasting states, flipping between them in sequence, one after another and back again.

In the first state I simply stared out of the bus window, eyes rigid, blurred out of any kind of interest in the scenery I was passing as my sluggish thoughts went back over the... obscenity... I had just witnessed; the insane situation I had found myself in.

Then my thoughts would drift to the second state where my memories of the humiliation and envy of my real life took on a rosy golden glow; a simmer of gently bubbling arousal between my swollen, fleshy thighs. This arousal was like the silvery film around a bubble, floating in a breeze, each one holding a different image of this awful sordid life I had inherited and the questionable decisions I had made. One bubble might be the massive amount of fat I had piled onto my body, another the pathetic and dirty job I willingly did when I was meant to be a wealthy model. Another was my eyesight, ruined possibly beyond repair; another was Melissa living my life as a superior clone of me, telling people how ugly and fat I was; how beneath her.

And as each stimulating bubble in my mind popped I broke into a brief and desperate tears: weeping that lasted only seconds before it shut off and I went back to staring.

I knew this was wrong. I knew it was a terrible and maybe even irrevocable mistake, but I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t break free of it. Because I wanted it still. I wanted to be fat. I wanted to be ugly. I wanted to have weak eyes and cheap clothes. I wanted to work in a subservient and pitiable vocation. I wanted Melissa to be superior to me; to take on every trait that I had lost. I wanted her to be as beautiful and slim as I was homely and obese. I even wanted her to treat me like I was scum. I wanted to be scum compared to her.

And I didn’t know why. I honestly didn’t know why I did any of this.

I hated myself but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to. And again I wondered what would happen now if Melissa came to me and mentioned, matter-of-factly that she had decided to keep my life.

Would I fight her for it? Did I even want it back?

And how in heaven could I ever hope to be Dahlia again, looking like this; my self-esteem and self-respect in ruins?

The bus came to a stop and I got out. I lumbered back toward my hotel, my knees creaking terribly because of my extra mass and the battering they got when I was scrubbing the floors. My weight was so huge now. It was giving me back pains too; making my breathing laboured. How obese was I now? How much fatter was I going to get? Did I know when this was going to end? And when it did, I did know that I wouldn’t suddenly spring back to my former shape.

When Melissa and I decided to stop doing this crazy scheme I wouldn’t be Dahlia in any way anymore, even if I wanted to be. I was far more like her now than she was. I was a grossly obese woman with thick glasses. And the lifestyle I had adopted was so set in now. I craved my meals and my snacks. With such a habitual lifestyle catapulting me into a progressively fatter woman, how could I hope to get back or even stop?

I might end up being fat forever, whether I was myself again or not.

As I walked up the drive to the hotel I realised that my gait was so different now. I remembered the grace that I used to use as I walked the catwalk modelling extravagant dresses. Now I was so gargantuan that I could do nothing but waddle: one lumbering footfall after another, the ample thighs grazing one another as my chubby arse shifted alternately up and down; as quivers ran round my folds of belly fat and up through my doughy thighs and swollen calves. My distended boobs flopped and juddered with each heavy stomp and the flab around my chin trembled too in time with the shivers in my bloated upper arms.

This was my fantasy come true. This was me as a corpulent cleaning lady, with nothing better to do than trudge to her unskilled and tedious job.

I thought about the other cleaners and the way they treated me and I started crying again.

What had I done to myself? Why had I done it? I knew I should call a stop to this now but where could I find the courage to do that? Where could I find the will?

And deep down I was afraid of what would happen if I did. It wasn’t just a case of becoming Dahlia gain but a grossly obese parody of the former model. The thing I was really afraid of was that I would go back to Melissa and demand a switch and she would say no, as she sort of had before. She would refuse to swap back and leave me stranded in her awful life forever.

But perhaps that didn’t make me fear. Surely that was the most titillating part of this; the darkest and most seedy fantasy. For surely, deep down, that was what I had wanted all along. Surely if she did that then part of me would be glad, would sizzle in raging, unfettered arousal, even as the conscious part of me that wasn’t mad screamed and screamed for the rest of my life.


  1. What if she had her eyes checked at this point, and the ophthalmologist indicated they were permanently ruined. What would that do to how she perceived/thought about her future?

    1. Interesting thought Giulia. That would certainly influence things.

  2. you are finding your flow! beautiful!

  3. the easy solution to self hatred is to cease to be yourself.

  4. WOW, NO DOUBLE WOW! adsoluelty chilling glimance into madness. What makesit rssenate is the even D knows she's mad & also realizes that if she even wants to stop it may be too late. How would this lumbering fatyy ever be Dahli a Western again.
    She would refuse to swap back and leave me stranded in her awful life forever. Surely if she did that then part of me would be glad, would sizzle in raging, unfettered arousal, even as would scream & scream & scream for the rest iof my life.

    Right now I feel M has won. There is no more fight leg=ft in Poor D.

    She loves & hates at the samre time being inthis stae as the miserable M. & the mad part of her

    1. The terrible fall of a woman with so much potential.

  5. The eyesight/glasses is a plot device. You cannot really 'damage' your eyes by wearing the wrong glasses. In some cases, your brain will compensate. If Dahlia stopped wearing the glasses, her vision would probably return, but what fun would that be?
    Suspend disbelief. :)

    The glasses are part of her Melissa persona which seems, at the moment, to be eclipsing her 'Dahlia' persona. Her self-esteem and self-respect may be permanently damaged especially when she sees Melissa being a better Dahlia Western; it drives home the fact that Dahlia is no longer Dahlia. Melissa is now Dahlia Western.

    Dahlia imagines Melissa telling her that she's keeping her new life as Dahlia and it seems to excite her. It seems that she wants Melissa to make the decision for her; she's so lost in her fantasy that she can't seem to decide.

    John nailed it! :)


  6. there aren't many threads of sanity left. just a snip here and a tug there and Melissa's having a very good day.

  7. Brilliant writing. Especially liked the bubble metaphor.
    Surely this is no ordinary tale of transformation/erotic humiliation. It never was.
    You are well on your way of bringing a literary piece of art into being, Emma.
    One of your best chapters. I´m really hooked.


    1. Thanks Marc. I'm forever blowing bubbles of erotic humiliation.

      (See what I did there?)

    2. "I'm forever blowing bubbles ... " :)

      Of course bubbles are known both for their iridescent and ephemeral beauty and their short life before bursting and disappearing as if they never existed.

      I'm often drawn to your last lines in these posts and this is no different. Could the "the conscious part of me that wasn’t mad screamed and screamed for the rest of my life." perhaps be the pin that that bursts the bubble and brings Dahlia back to her senses?

      Am I taking the metaphor too far? Probably but another gripping post that oh so slowly draws us all into Dahlia's fantasy and its dreadful consequences.

      Thanks, Emma

      Robyn H

    3. It isn't over until it's over.

    4. Or until the fat cleaner shrinks?


  8. This part has so much in it. I almost passed by the fact the D now feels she's a food addict & doesn't think she will ever be able to stop cramming it in. WIll she soon be an alcoholic like M was? Poor D

    1. Yeah. The woman she was is long gone.

      Or perhaps just buried, waiting for a chance to come back...

  9. A suggestion for when you ready your great story for publication ( I can't wait!!) is you might want to consider having M addressed as Miss Western more by the hotel staff & by guests and Lovers as Dahlia, especially within D's hearing.
    There is power in names. It is a major part of our identity, when M uses the name Meleissa on D it makes her feel inferior, a poor cleaer, when D calls M Miss Western it reinforces her own pitiful life & her subservatance.
    Remember that great scene, where D calls in almost magical, when they exchange purses & formally exchange names. & D willing becomes Meliisa Chapman, D thinks it almost feels like magic is taking places.
    Go dbut you have magic in your writing, Emma!

  10. Emma does such a wonderful job conveying the internal struggle within Dahlia's mind and giving us readers a front row seat!

    It's like two personalities inside the same body fighting for ultimate control. As time has passed, Dahlia's fantasy has embraced the Melissa persona which has gained strength and is slowly strangling the Dahlia persona out of existence.

    Will the Dahlia buried deep inside the new Melissa Chapman gasp that final breath or will she fight her way out of her corpulent prison and back to freedom?

    We know that Melissa is quite happy with her new body and life and is determined to see the former Dalia forever imprisoned in her former life.


    1. There's just a chance that Dahlia could fight back. But would she win!?!?

    2. Well, we dark-ending types say "Heck no!". WHEN Melissa returns to England to become the new and improved Dahlia Western, who would be there to boost Dahlia's self-image? Who would encourage her to lose the weight and become slim again?

      Kathrine and Tommy will be busy getting the new Dahlia's modeling career into high gear and Melissa will be living in Summertop and in control of all of Dahlia's assets. What will Dahlia have? No money for a personal trainer or liposuction, that's for sure! She may lose weight over time, but the longer Melissa is Dahlia Western, the less likely Dahlia is to get her life back.

      (evil laugh)


    3. I dearly hope for a dark end with an unscrupulous M having the last laugh.
      I really do.
      But I also hope, that we will see a Dahlia who - at some point in the future - tries to turn the tables again and get her life back.
      I think that true humiliation is the one that is forced upon you by others, not the one that you revel in of your own free will or that even sexually arouses you.
      In Emmas presentation of the original tale a battle of wills between the two protagonists is mentioned.
      So...wouldnt it be enthralling if such a battle really took place?
      And wouldnt it be Dahlia´s ultimate downfall if she had to succumb to M after first-hand experiencing the obviously stronger will of her former cleaner?

    4. "Once the genie is out of the bottle, it is very hard to put it back in again.", so to speak...


    5. Yes. But it also grants you dearest wishes. Let us not forget that all of this is what Dahlia wanted.

    6. Not quite. Remeber her original idea was for M & her to rent a mansion togther & for her to be just M''s maid & let M order her about, M some how talked & bullied her into that horrible job in that horrible hotel. BUt the rst of course what D wanted, her to get as fat as M & for M to get slim like her, whih I guess is the chilling heart iof the story. Man OH Man is M a skillful manipulator - especially when she sees the life at the end of the rainbow.

    7. Yes. But she also wanted to lose control. You can't lose control AND get exactly what you want.

    8. Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it!


  11. Perfect as ever. It will be even more fun when the go home together when the old D sees the new D enjoying 'her' house, possession and friends. Alos at home M can humilated D on a daily basis" finnFan

  12. Emma, I was just re-reading Chap 5. part 5. It brought chills still. I wonder when M will start to insist that D start talking like her all the time, while M keeps the D voice & vocabulary/?

    1. Well that's already sort of happened hasn't it?

    2. Not really this is he first time D has heard M do her D voice & chat in public & as far as I can remember ( drink effected memory) D has not yet done a Melissa voice or vocabulary

    3. Must remember to explore that next episode.

  13. The question is if D will be aroused by these "humiliations on a daily basis" in the long run as well or if eventually a saturation point will be reached. If D´s need to punish herself, her thirst for humiliation is quenched someday, wouldn´t she try to reverse the swap?
    But of course...wouldnt it be too late then...???

