Friday 24 October 2014


Hi Finnsters,

Talons of the Hawk now has a brand new cover, rather more in keeping with its subject matter, and to celebrate I thought I'd showcase why the transformation stories inside are awesomeness personified.

Talons of the Hawk contains six different transformation and bodyswap stories.

Bear in mind most bodyswap "novels" available on Amazon contain one short story and charge the same price or more then this may seem like a pretty good deal.

The stories take place throughout history as a powerful magical artifact is passed from hand to hand, granting the power of transformation to whoever holds it.


This story takes place in Roman times and is the tale of a powerful Roman leader who is seduced by his wife into the idea of changing places so that he can experience the joys of sex as a woman. As you might be able to conclude from the new cover above, the seduction is a success, but the story is far from over as betrayal and death throw our new woman into dire peril.

The Princess & the Slave 

In the days of the Arabian Nights, Princess Saffie is a spoiled but beautiful creature who sees those around her as nothing but playthings. When she gains control of the mystical hawk statuette she uses it to toy with the lives of her slaves, forcing them to undergo many transformations. But when Princess Saffie decides to use the hawk to switch bodies for a time with her slave Raul, she learns very quickly just how little control she now has and how much danger she is in.

To Be the Khan 

In ancient Asia, a young girl and her family are kept as slaves by the great Khan and his warriors, worked to the very edge of exhaustion. But our heroine's spirit is not quelled and she is willing to do anything to make her escape... even trade bodies with the powerful Khan himself. But when she takes on the Khan's monstrous form she starts to see life from a new perspective and slowly comes to realise that there are pleasures now available to her she couldn't conceive of before.

Whispering Death 

In Eastern Europe in the seventeen hundreds, Alexandru's family and entire village have been slaughtered by a man with the power to transform live flesh into dead bones. He flees to warn those ahead of the Whispering Death's approach, but in the next town he is met by an old man with dark knowledge who promises a chance for him to avenge himself and defeat this killer... but only if he will imbibe a potion that will change his own form into the likeness of the one woman on Earth that the Whispering Death would never kill...

The Master Race 

In Nazi Germany, the Jews are being persecuted and killed, driven to waiting trains to be taken to the death camps. One vicious Nazi captain enacts his dark will, but careless words put him under the spell of the hawk statuette and he soon finds himself in the very position of those he was brutalising: a young Jewish girl with no family, no future and no hope. Only swift action can save him from this fate but there is no guarantee he can ever reach safety.


The final story is set in modern day Nockton Vale where a beautiful but greedy young woman meets her match in the shape of the aging grandmother of her fiance. Careless wishes are again the order of the day as this beautiful girl gets first hand experience of life for the elderly.

Talons of the Hawk is the first in a series of story compilations that will be coming out in the near future. The other books will have more tales of transformation set down through the ages, each one filing in more detail on the path of the hawk statuette and its terrible power to alter the lives... and forms of those it touches.

You can get this first book right now on:


  1. Two thumbs up. its really good.

    1. Thanks John!

      I rather got the impression that people got the mistaken impression this book was about birds.

      As the new cover illustrates it's quite the contrary.

    2. Whereas, of course, it's about 'birds' :)

      A bit racy isn't it? Potential readers might now get the impression that it's about ...? he he!

      Robyn H

    3. Heh heh. Well it is and it isn't. It's a transformation story first and foremost but there are a few, er, racy moments.

  2. love the new cover and can't wait for the follow up books


    1. Thanks Rob. I'm "hoping" to get the next one out in December. But don't hold your breath. I haven't started it yet.

  3. its still the old cover on Amazon.

    1. That's the stupid hard copy element that's slowing the process. The kindle one should be fine, when bought at least. It should change in a day or two.
