Thursday 28 April 2016

CLEANER II: Chapter Six - Part Eleven


Dahlia looked awful when she opened the door to her room.

Back at my hotel, when she had shown the confidence to stand up to me there had been an patter of dancing potential energy lifting her features and her limbs. That wasn’t there now. She looked weary and drawn, but surprised that I was there.

I did not visit her. She visited me.

“Uh, hi,” she said, stepping back as though she might invite me in, but there was reservation there and I could see why. The curtains were closed in the room in it was terribly dingy; terribly cluttered; possibly even filthy. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to talk,” I said. “After... what we discussed. I felt we needed to. Can I come in?”

She took another step back but chewed her lip. Perhaps she was considering suggesting we went down to the bar or something instead but I stepped into the doorway regardless. I could see her reservations but I didn’t care. I wanted in. I didn’t want to wait and I didn’t want to be discussing these things in an open theatre where others could eavesdrop or where she might be afraid they could.

She let me through and I entered as she closed the door behind me.

It was a dingy pit of degradation. It was quite shocking actually. I’d never seen anything like it. Compared to my pristine room at the Satine Palace, this was like a beaver hole. It was revolting. There had been no attempt to keep it tidy or clean over a greatly extended period. There may have been a time when she was on top of it. It looked like one of those dens you see on documentaries of people who have gone off the rails and totally gone to seed.

The evidence of alcohol abuse was everywhere but there was masses in the way of discarded food wrappers and cigarette packets too. I turned my nose up at the sight of it, realising instantly that there would be nowhere to sit. It actually felt like it might taint me, it was that bad. My body recoiled slightly, my skin crawling.

Dahlia loitered by the door, her fingers crumpling at her waist, her face troubled, then she hurried round to the little window and pulled back the curtain. It did little to help and only helped to illustrate how bad it was, defining more piles of detritus.

“I’m sorry it’s so messy in here,” she said. “I... I don’t tend to... After I’ve been cleaning all day I guess I can’t be bothered to clean... in here too.”

I thought about my house with Robert back in the UK. Had it really been so different there? It had never been pristine; a certain degrading creep of filth omnipresent. I knew exactly what she meant. In fact it brought it all back; that deep resentment of the back-breaking labour along with the bitter awareness that I lived in squalor while those who thought themselves better than me lived in the beautiful environment I’d created.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Really. I’ve seen worse. Don’t worry.” I gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m more worried about you. You left so quickly yesterday and we hadn’t really had the chance to talk things through as much as I would have liked. You left so quickly. I’d intended for us to really talk; maybe get a bite to eat together.”

This was a lie now but it occurred to me that it might still be good strategy after all. We could go out to a local restaurant. She could get her fill on more tempting food while I coaxed her along to make the right decision.

“I’m sorry,” replied Dahlia. “I was just... taken aback by what you said. I didn’t know how I felt. It was all so... unexpected.”

My eyelids creased down slightly of their own accord as I questioned that. Was my suggestion to indefinitely swap so out there? Was it really so unexpected? Surely that fantasy had been wound up in everything from the very beginning. I wondered if she knew she was lying to herself; if she really believed that or if she even recognised a thread of lying to me.

I gave her another brief comradely smile. “It’s a lot to consider. I know it is. I’ve questioned it myself. I even questioned my own motivations.” I mimed a chuckle. “All this time I’ve been telling myself this was all for you but deep down there must be a part of me that thrives on it. I mean of course there is. It’s been wonderful to become you. To pretend I was you here in Greece at least. I’m so grateful to you for giving me this opportunity. It’s funny isn’t it? It was only really meant to be a favour to you.”

She squirmed a little uncomfortably.

“I just wanted to reassure you about some things,” I said. “Because I gave you so much information in a short span of time yesterday and... it must have been an awful lot to take in.”

“Yeah. Yeah it was a lot to consider.”

“Everything about how I’d got it organised enough to proceed so quickly,” I said. “Maybe you’d need more time to digest the idea. Decamping right away and going to Thailand... That’s a lot to take in.”

Something flickered on her face like a tick and I tried to read her. We were skirting round the real issue here but we hadn’t dived in at all. For all I knew she had made a firm resolution already. For all I knew she would never go through with it.

My nerves jangled and I wiggled my hands and fingers to relieve a sudden sensation of numbness in them. I had an awful feeling that I was buggering this up. And how the hell was I supposed to control it anyway? How could I hope to persuade this woman of anything as preposterous as I was hoping to?

Underneath my hairline I felt beads of perspiration exude.

How did I get myself in this ridiculous situation?

It wasn’t up to me to persuade her – I told myself that. She wanted this. She would persuade herself. But if that was the case then why had I come? Why was I pushing?

God, this was stressful. I hated not being in control.

Dahlia folded her arms with some difficulty, the action accentuating how doughy her bulbous arms were now. “I have been thinking about it; what we should do; how to... proceed with this. It is a lot to consider.”

“You have?”

She nodded, unfolding her arms again and looking down at her body. “It is... incredible what we’ve done here. Look at you. Look at me. Look at us! We’re just not who were we before. We’ve transformed entirely.”

“You’ve really become a different person.”

She nodded again. “I’ve become you. Or I thought I had. But maybe you’re right and maybe I did want more. Maybe I still do. Maybe being you back in England was what this was always about. It was. It is.”

I smiled. I couldn’t help it. “Just imagine how cool it would be to go back there entirely as each other; to move into our opposite lives; to live in one another’s houses. Just imagine being back in your home town and walking down the street but not being yourself at all anymore; being me; actually being me.” I giggled. “It wouldn’t be a game then. It would feel totally real. We wouldn’t be just a couple of silly women play-acting anymore. We could actually turn into one another for real. I think it would be incredible!”

“For you maybe.”

“Huh?” The wind went out of my sales. I had got caught up, becoming exuberant and she was just looking at me as though she were totally detached, almost unkindly. “Sorry, what? What do you mean?”

“Just that you would be the one who got to be Dahlia. You would be living in my house with my cars and all the money. What would I have? That street you’re talking about... That would be some scummy backstreet of Barton; not the lane outside Summertop.”

My smile became embarrassed and a little desperate. “I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t take it like that sweetheart. I’m not...” I got flustered. “I didn’t mean to say that— Look, I’m not here to persuade you. I’m not trying to do you out of your life or anything. I’m not trying to steal your money. Of course I’m not. All I’m interested in is this... this glorious adventure, you know? Becoming somebody else for real – taking on their life; wearing their face. Really becoming them. I just can’t think of anything more incredible that we could do and now that we’re so close to it it seems crazy to pull back. Not when we’re so near.” I turned away from her, tried to gather my thoughts, then turned back.

“If we could just go back now as we are and do it then that’s what I’d say we should do. It’s... unfortunate that we can’t really pull it off without the surgery; but think about that as... as a magic wand, you know? We can’t do real magic – nobody can – but it’s the closest thing to it. We’ve done something here already that nobody else has ever done. We’ve almost totally swapped places. All we have to do is take this last final step and we can truly become one another – just fo as long as we want to. Then we can change back. We can change back at any time.”

I shut my mouth. I was coming on too strong. I was being obvious; almost bullying her. I needed to dial it back or it was going to go wrong. I could see her indecision and there was the potential for hostility. I couldn’t risk that. If it got onto those terms then there might never be any rescuing from it.

“I’m sorry I’m blathering on,” I said. “I’m just so excited about it. I really... I really want to go through with it; to make that dream come true for you, you know?”

“To make my dream come true?” Dahlia’s voice was brittle. She made a tight twitch at the side of her mouth that gave little semblance of a smile. “Look at me,” she said. “Look at what’s become of me. Does this look like a dream?”

We both regarded the squalor of the room; the empty bottle of alcohol; her ruined figure and face and eyes.

“It looks like a nightmare,” she said, “and one that I can’t wake up from. Or haven’t been able to in so long.”

“Listen...” I said, stepping closer, reaching for her wrist. Her arm tensed and I didn’t take it. I didn’t know what to say. I was fucking this up like I fucked everything up in my life.

“It is a dream,” I said. “This was your fantasy. I know I’ve come on too strong – I know I’m shit at trying to explain what I mean – but I just keep coming back to thinking that deep down, this is what you want, if only you had the strength to see it; to follow it all the way to the end.”

She shook her head once. “Strength? What’s that? I haven’t felt strong in... months. Years maybe. All I am is weak. I sometimes think that Katherine... I think I should have listened to her.”

My cheeks hardened to hear the name. I said nothing.

“Maybe I should leave you to think more on it,” I said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come round and started to push. You have to make up your own mind. I just wanted you to know that I will support whatever decision you make. And I think you should...”

Shut up Melissa...

“I think you should do it. Should make the change. We have to. We have to go to Thailand and see it through to the end; become one another entirely.”

There was a long moment between us, an absence of sound or movement. It made me uneasy, almost scared, because the relationship between Dahlia and I had never been normal – not since this had started. It was almost impossible to accurately predict anything about it within normal social experience. And neither one of us was quite right in the head – I acknowledged that too – especially her.

I felt that I’d fucked this up. I knew I’d fucked it up. But then there was still this pause: this potential. There were still words to be said. It could still go either way.

Dahlia inhaled; a simple sound that nonetheless rasped within her, as though the inner part of her was struggling to catch one last breath. She didn’t release it right away. She looked down at her distended arms again, stroking her round belly with one hand. She touched the ends of her brown bobbed hair and then pushed the thick frames back into place on her nose. Then she looked at me.

There were tears in my eyes; in hers too.

Still she said nothing. Still she hadn’t released that breath.

I itched to speak myself; to somehow guide what was about to happen; but all my instincts told me not to; to keep my mouth shut.

I tried to smile though – something reassuring and encouraging – and something changed in Dahlia’s face when she saw it; something almost violent; as though the effect of that crease in my lips was a stabbing blow to her somehow. I couldn’t conceive of what was going on in her mind; not really.

The breath came out of her that she’d been holding. She took in another. Then she locked my eyes in hers and said, “We can’t change any further. We just can’t.”

I couldn’t reply. I stared at her.

“We can’t go through with any more of this, ever. It has to end right now. Right. Now.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe we pushed it as far as we have.” She let out a sad chuckle then she looked at me again and her eyes were clear; determined; set in stone. “I’m sorry Melissa. I know you’ve got your hopes up about this but I’m not going to go to Thailand and that’s definite. I’m not going to have an operation on my face. That’s never going to happen. This has been a great fantasy and everything; an incredible holiday; but we can’t let it carry on any more. It would be ridiculous. And dangerous. It would be insane. It already is. We both know that.”

“But...” I didn’t know what to say.

“I’m sorry. I really am. I know how much you’ve done for me and you’ll never know how much I needed it; to truly escape... but it has to be over now. It has to end.”


“I’m not going to Thailand with you Melissa. I’m not going to swap places. We’re going to go back to England as ourselves.”


  1. Wow another post and a substantial one at that! Thanks, Emma.

    Is Melissa talking herself out of what she really wants? As Dahlia pointed out, it would be exciting for Melissa back in England with Dahlia's house, cars and money but not so much for Dahlia living in the relative squalor of a Barton back street.

    Perhaps Melissa could sweeten the pill be offering the possibility of Dahlia's living in as an all round maid in her old house but in more comfort than if she lived in Melissa's old house.

    Whatever happens perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that Emma has thrown a sabot into the loom of her story and given another twist to this wonderful story.


    1. I've always wanted to throw a sabot into a loom.

    2. Always happy to oblige :) But has Emma (as Dahlia's puppet master) really sabotaged Melissa's evil plan? heh heh (evil laugh)


  2. Great tosee another chapter so damn quick! Very well written. O love that M is revolted by the aqualor of d's room. & evenD as mad as she iss, surelyt mad. realises that M would be in a wonderful life - she'd be the Rich Dahlia WEstern, live in a mansion with money & cars & d would e living in a back street in Barton.
    So where does M go from here? d definately says she not going to do it, not going to do the surgery.
    What a tease.
    Shame! We have to wait longer & in more suspence.

    1. It's certainly not looking good for surgery fans.

  3. One could feel the tension in this episode! What must Melissa feel at that moment? Anger, disappointment, resentment? Dahlia is not going to Thailand with her, but...will Melissa go without her?

    Lots can happen still.

    Are they going back to England immediately? Does Melissa still have time to change Dahlia's mind? Dahlia claims she's weak, but she seems to have rallied the strength to firmly announce her decision.

    Another great chapter! :)


  4. Wonderful chapter and a not entirely expected twist! Great work, as always. Really intrigued where you'd take out heroines from here. Dahlia will change her mind in the end? A road accident that ruins Dahlia's features and she's reconstructed to look like Melissa? I hope we don't have to wait too long to find out!

  5. Brilliantly written episode Emma.
    Going back to England "as ourselves" good luck with that Dahlia, given how you now look.
    Thanks for that Emma and take care of yourself.

  6. Fate can intervene in the strangest ways sometimes and could perhaps set events in motion that no one would ever expect. Dahlia could fall ill from her unhealthy lifestyle unable to prevent Melissa from returning to England as Dahlia Western.
    Melissa could to to Thailand and get Dahlia's face and then claim that Dahlia is the impostor.

    Only Emma's magnificent mind knows the path these ladies will end up on. :)

    I doubt Melissa will go quietly.


    1. Indeed. Surely there will be repercussions for this.

  7. Some thought & others way for the delightful M to put preasaure on D.
    M could threaten to leak D's current state, fat ugly, living in filth, ACOHOLISM, working as a maid in a low class hotel to the Paparrazi & D friends and fellow models. It one of the things D has says she dreams, unless D agrees to the Surgey. M could say M could get enough fame & nororiaity & Money to make a new start, maybe be a model on her own identity. & D might even end up in a mad house.

  8. I like this part. Thanks Emma, you always keep surprise. While go to Thailand is a easy and predictable path, it is more interesting to watch how a fat, lower D to take her fate back or she may fail on halfway.

  9. damn way to catch us off guard. Dahlia getting some fight back in her. who would have thought it? awesome

    1. Yeah. Well I just keep coming back to thinking about what it would really be like going through all this. I think the reality would be far more conflicted and complex than was ever portrayed in my original story.

      I mean that was a novella eventually (though started as very much just a short story). Indeed, that opening sequence that covers these first two books was little more than prologue. If you read it again you'll notice that the writing style changes when the story returns to England. Up to then it is a sketched-in series of activities designed to set the scene really. Back then when I was writing, for me, the story started when they got back. That's why that is when the scenes start playing out more naturally.

      It's so interesting to see this new version develop. It isn't a million miles from the original's structure but there is a world of difference in the perspectives of both characters at this point, especially the dark decline inside Dahlia and her fall into decay and alcoholism.

      I still know where I plan to take it broadly but I really can't be sure where the subtleties of the character development will steer us along the way.

      We'll, all of us, have to wait and see.

    2. Just wondering...
      Aside from the subtleties of character development...
      Does the addition of a 4th book to your series mean that you will stick closer to the original plot by portraying M`s rise to glory in book 3 while returning to the original status quo with M`s downfall and D coming to terms with herself and her new life/husband in the final book?
      Or has the outcome of it all still to be woven by the Norns (so I can keep a modicum of hope for a dark end alive) ? ;-)


    3. Well nothing is certain at this time.

      I know some people love the original story and some people hope for a darker ending in this version. The basic principle of these expanded works was to retell the original story with the care and detail it should have been given in the first place - not to create something entirely new.

      In fact the story has gone its own way to some extent, the greater room for characterisation sparking quite a different approach to the story. I can't be sure exactly how it will go and maybe we should sit back and not worry too much about that. It's a funny thing releasing four books as a serial as we have so much time to speculate about what might happen.

      I can say there will be a lot of darkness in all the books, as always. I can't promise every character will be ground into the dirt come the final climax. We'll have to see how things develop.

      What I can hope for is that by the end of it all we've enjoyed the long journey and that whatever conclusion is reached feels right for the story and characters.

      Dahlia and Melissa will find their own ways through the coming storms and I suspect they'll both end up getting something approximating what they deserve.

    4. Getting what they deserve...
      Another latent ambiguity...?
      But you are right. Let us simply enjoy the journey!
      I`m full of trust. And...Emma...stay healthy!

      (grinning confidently)


  10. Such a fun chapter. I love the way your mind works and that of some of your fans, as Eotten2001 said, I could see the tabloids and tvs giving her a shot as a model if she leaked their stories. Perhaps Melissa could even team up with some of the maids at her hotel to make up bad rumors about her, with the promise of one of them working as Melissa's maid as endorsements start to roll in. There are just so many fun possibilities. You've taken us this far and I'm sure the path you choose will be even better than I could ever imagine.

    I'm guessing that maybe Dahlia tries to get her life together, tries to lose weight, but struggles horribly and starts to crave the things that Melissa was once hooked on. I'm picturing that scene from the beginning of their trip to Greece, where Melissa has the willpower to push the loaded breakfast plate back... perhaps Dahlia in the same situation would now fall weak to her fatty breakfast and subsequently cramp up during a light cardio session... I can't imagine the cigarettes and her lazy behavior will give her much endurance and I'm sure Melissa will be there to undermine her in some way.

    1. Yeah. Dahlia wants to go back but would she have the willpower now to do it? And what effect might crumbling have on her?

  11. Yes! Yes! Yes! I love this chapter!!!!!
    I never really liked the idea of M and D changing lives in a consensual manner from start to finish.
    In my opinion, there had tob be this point of no return in the road, a fork at which D simply went too far, where M got her chance to take advantage of D`s mistakes, where she could capitalize on them even if D decided - too late - to call everything off.
    I also very much like that M does not get D`s life, wealth, house, cars, friends, career etc. on the often quoted silver platter and hope that we will be seeing more of M`s darker side, pulling strings like a wannabe-villainess, laying traps for D and doing everything to put the final nails into D`s coffin, forcing her into a cleaner`s life forever while enjoying a modeling career and nearly infinite money reserves for herself.
    There are lots of possibilities of how the story proceeds from here and I`m sure it will be a wild ride.
    I just hope that I will be prepared for the next surprises Emma may have in store for us.


    1. Glad I'm keeping you interested. I'll persevere while I've got breath in my body.

    2. Death is very poor excuse for failure LOL!

  12. I still think maybe at this point that M might consider murdering D if necessary. She's that desperate. No one would surpirsed for example if the patethis fat ugly, unpopular 'Melissa Chapmann' committed sucide. After all the rich Dahlai Western could esily get another maid!!

  13. So what is dark novel? Everyone expects that the dark ending is M finally replace D. But to me, it is another kind of dark to see M's lose her accumulated privilege after D fight back. What If we treat now M as original D and D is original M? and then I believe the following path and ending can be more unpredictable, and Emma can have more choices, and this novel can be much more interesting.

  14. IMHO, human nature is unpredictable. Anything can happen. It isn't really 'dark' per se, it's more 'not a fairy tale ending' me anyway. So many stories end up with the good guy winning and getting the girl. Dahlia has allowed Melissa to assume her identity in Greece and now, Melissa doesn't want to give it back. Dahlia has created this whole twisted scenario and the 'dark' would be to have Dahlia lose control of it and end up stuck.

    Emma is exploring (quite well I might add), how these two women have changed as they immerse themselves into this 'game'. Humans are adaptable to their environment. For Dahlia and Melissa, their environment has taken a 180-degree turn and it's changed them.
    When they first started this game, I don't think Melissa would have imagined that she could actually be in a position to steal Dahlia's life and I don't think Dahlia would have thought she'd be living in squalor drinking and chain smoking.
    This story is as more about Dahlia losing everything than it is about Melissa gaining, at least that's my take. I think that Melissa is a reminder to Dahlia as to have far she's fallen and the effort it will take to get back there.
    Melissa wants it all and the environment (being Dahlia) has awakened her sinister side. She never thought she'd ever get to where she is and now, she doesn't want it to end.

    That's my two pence for what it's worth.


    1. Good twopence.

      Basically regarding the dark ending people seem to crave...

      I think I can honestly say that 99% of my stories have what would be construed as dark endings when compared to the usual Disney body-swapping hijinks you tend to get on TV and film where everyone learns a lesson and gets back to their old bodies.

      People almost never get back to their old bodies in my stories and if they do they remain changed in other ways.

      There is going to be a lot of darkness in this story before it's over but that isn't to say that both protagonists will end up howling with misery at the very end. Having said that, the chances of them getting back to how they started at the beginning of the book is pretty slim. That ain't gonna happen.

    2. Looks like I`m marching to a different drummer, but - although I realize that this is Dahlia`s story in the first place - I enjoy the Melissa chapters sometimes even more.

      It`s kind of fascinating to see a woman like her rise to a position of power and defending it at all costs.

      In the fairy tale "The Goose Girl", the princess and her maidservant swap identities, although this swap is forced by the cruel handmaiden. The aforementioned handmaiden behaves like the haughtiest bitch the world has ever seen after usurping the princess life, reveling in her new-found power.
      In the end, though, the maidservant gets what she deserves. She is pent-up in a barrel full of nails and rolled down the hill...
      Cruel...but...a just ending for a villainess.

      That`s a typical "bright" ending that completely lives up the the ethic code and moral expectations of our society.
      There are very few movies or books that let the villain win. There is no need to do so because such dark endings deliver no justifiable "message", are not instructional and foil all desirable values.

      But sometimes...only`s interesting to let such a perverseness of values happen...

      And ... to be honest ... I would have really liked it to see Dahlia get stuck in her nightmarish dream, to see Melissa Chapman becoming a "better" Dahlia Western for real instead of finally failing completely and falling back into old habits.

      If regarded realistically, M is doomed to fail with her plans right from the start. She lacks education and culture, maybe even a minimum of kindness or goodness of heart. All these shortfalls prevent her from being a respectable lady like Dahlia Western in the long term.

      And I think, Dahlia knows about these shortcomings very well.

      What a shame that she might not be persuaded of the contrary and - in the end - has to bow to the better woman.

      But - as long as there is at least some darkness remaining - I stop arguing about the necessity of dark endings...starting from now...


    3. I'm with you, Marc. I enjoy the Melissa chapters too and I'd love to see Melissa succeed in taking over Dahlia's career.

      It's just as interesting to see how Melissa handles herself as Dahlia Western. She can learn the culture and even fake the kindness. We've been promised more detail in the book about Dahlia teaching Melissa more about modeling, so she may know enough to pull it off, although she'd have just as much to 'unlearn' as she does to 'learn'. It can't be easy living someone else's life.

      It all remains to be written!

      Part of me thinks that Dahlia doesn't want to go 'all the way' because she fears that perhaps Melissa will make a better Dahlia, but that my be a stretch.

      I agree, Marc, let the villain win once in a while to keep it interesting! :)

      Whatever Emma comes up with will be wonderful I'm sure.


    4. You can't please everybody... but I try to. We'll see what comes out in the wash.

  15. You mentioned that you have an overall plan but were seeing where the characters took things as they developed. What if they don't like your plan. Will you let them run with it?

    1. Well... Generally if that happens in a big way then the new activity feels so right or exciting to me that it eclipses the original plan. So yeah. I'd tend to go with it.

  16. I've written one or two stories, mostly for myself but I've posted a very few. A couple of times a character has 'told' me something about themselves which I found quite strange and added to the story. Obviously there's no magic involved and it all came from within myself but it happens.

    I can't help thinking a few things have happened to both main characters here that Emma hadn't planned originally. However I'm sure, if anything major happens, Emma will give her characters good talking to and ensure they stay in line. There's a danger that they could drive the story into a cul-de-sac unintentionally and that's fatal in a story posted as an on-line serial.

    I'm sure Emma will see us through and I can hardly wait :)


    1. There's no danger of a cul-de-sac. Wherever we get to should be entertaining, I hope...

  17. love the way things are going.Ive got one question .Who has the passports and all of the other means of identification.
    Continue to get well.


    1. Melissa I think. But maybe they each have them.

    2. If the photos in the passports are anything like mine then it probably wouldn't be too difficult for Melissa to use Dahlia's and vice versa considering the huge changes each has experienced in the preceding months. It's probably easier for women to change their appearance enough to fool immigration officers than it is for men because of their ability to use make-up. And I'm sure Dahlia still retains her skills in that department.


    3. Just had an evil thought what if M decides to go ahead and get the surgery anyway and ifshe has D's passport and other identification and can get M's passport and id she could leave her in Greece with no means of proving who she really is as every one in Greece knows her as Melissa and as she has already set the stage with why she looks aa little bit different and she knows every thing about D she might just get away with it


    4. That would be interesting to see it play out.

  18. An Appreciative Reader8 May 2016 at 07:52

    I have to say this has been/is a fantastic series. Funnily enough it seems to be following its own course in that, rather like Dahlia, you set out on a road to do something and suddenly the road is taking you in all sorts of unexpected directions and you are no longer in control (in a good way, the story leading the writer...)

    I like the way we see doubt and fallacy in Melissa too - it's easy to write a story, especially a dark story, where the villain is always in control, makes no mistakes, enforces her way easily and effortlessly. This chapter has been great to see Melissa think oh god I've screwed it up, just like the last chapter was great to see the trainer let her know what a nasty piece of work she is.

    Where is the story going? I think that is in the hands of fate! I like some of the ideas mentioned, I too have thought of passports and who holds all important paperwork and codes... I have not one single doubt Emma that you will come up with something brilliant, even if you don't know what it is yet! Here's a thought for what it's worth - I think Melissa has Dahlia (with struggles still to come) but what if Dahlia can pull Melissa down with her? Does she have a dark secret that explains this underlying urge to destroy herself? About how her parents died for instance, did she have something to do with that (flashback scenes/memories of a younger and more confident Dahlia?)? And now if Melissa is Dahlia, could she reveal that secret and Melissa be charged as Dahlia and end up living Dahlia's life in prison and publicly disgraced? I think you get the possibilities but it's probably a daft idea and I should have a sit down now ;)

    1. Heh. I think it would be nice to learn more about the parents' deaths and the effect on Dahlia. I wouldn't say it's the kind of story for criminal charges to come back to threaten her (and I don't think Dahlia is the type to have done something so nefarious). Still, I could see there being more to reveal about their demise and the effect it had on her. Maybe in the expanded version I'll look into it.
