Saturday 25 July 2015

CLEANER II: Chapter Four - Part Ten


I had dinner overlooking the pool as I normally did, very much enjoying the high quality food.

It was funny to think now of a time when I would have felt an almost desperate yearning to fill my plate and go back for more. That time seemed a long time ago now, though it really wasn’t. It felt like there was a wall between me and that weak person I used to be – and not just in terms of my gluttony.

I had never been a strong person. Food had been a safe zone for me to travel to; a land of peace and pleasure in which I was protected from the stresses of real life. My drinking had had the same effect except that had gone a step further because it took away my ability to worry – dulled my mind to the point of idiocy and created a wonderful sense of detachment from the despair of my life.

I had never been assertive; unable to fight my corner or make my case. And people had walked all over me my whole life. I had made a trade in submission.

But I had never submitted to the submission. I had always resented it; despised the people who made me acquiesce to their commands.

That was the big difference between me and Dahlia. One of my principle occupations in Greece was plumbing the channels and pits of Dahlia’s mind; trying to understand why a beautiful woman with everything to lose would risk giving it willingly to somebody like me.

Obviously her brother’s death had been key to that final bid to escape her life, her body and England itself. Perhaps she hadn’t wanted the comeback she was planning. Perhaps the strain of pushing for it was too much. I got the impression there was a lot of that; the urgency to escape; but there was something else that I was realising. It was something there was no explicit evidence for; just an intuition that felt right.

I believed that Dahlia wanted to submit. I got the feeling she got off on it.

All her life she had been the one in control; the one people idolised; and surely that was a great thing. It was everything I’d ever wanted for my own life. But without the opportunity to come second or even last, maybe Dahlia had developed a kinky need to surrender control to somebody else. This swap of ours had turned me on from time to time – even now I got a faint shiver when I thought about what I’d taken from her – but surely it was erotic for her as well. I had sensed that on more than one occasion.

The question was why? Was it as simple as the fact that she had always been in control and she lusted after that which she didn’t have: poverty, ugliness and powerlessness? Or had something happened in her youth that gave her a taste for giving in?

The man whom I had shagged earlier walked past with his wife. He tried not to make eye contact but I saw him eyeing my crossed legs. I ignored him, smiling to myself, thinking how wonderful it was to have the power that looks and a figure gave; that money in the bank and fancy clothes imparted.

My eyes roved instead for my next conquest. I looked forward to finding another man to bed. I looked forward to bedding a hundred more men; as many as I wanted, as often as I wanted.

But my thoughts turned, as they always did, back to Dahlia. I couldn’t help it. She was my guilty obsession. It wasn’t enough that this experiment had given me the confidence and drive to better myself so magnificently; had presented me with a security and flair that only large amounts of money could provide. It wasn’t just about living a better life myself.

I wanted Dahlia’s life to be worse. I wanted it to be as bad as mine had been; or worse! And I wanted nothing more than for her to get as morbidly obese as I had been.

It had been a delight to see her today and to lie to her about Robert.

Was it just a fantasy that I might keep this life? That I could somehow persuade her to accept mine completely?

Was she screwed up enough to actually do that?

Would she become me – Melissa – permanently?

Honestly I didn’t know. And surely I couldn’t believe it, even in my fondest dreams.

But I had a feeling that wasn’t the strategy. If I went to her and suggested a permanent swap, the act of questioning her would make her question herself. Any of that and she might drop out of the moment enough to run for the hills.

No. It had to be more about simply extending it. That I could see her going for. She was already altering her shape massively; possibly committing permanent damage to her body. Her self-restraint was clearly disconnected. I needed to continue pushing that just a little bit further; a little bit further.

For the foreseeable future there always needed to be that escape route for her; increasingly implausible though that might be. But I wasn’t going to stop until we really had become duplicates of one another, if that was even possible. And I wasn’t going to stop until our swap had become something indefinite and extended and ongoing.

I didn’t just want to pretend to be her abroad. I wanted to go back to England; to Nockton Vale; and actually assume her life as though it were really mine.

I wanted her to really become me.


  1. I love how Melissa knows that Dahlia isn't right in the head, but it never occurs to her not to take advantage. It's like literally taking candy from a baby.

  2. WOW! what a chapter! I sure can see M's point of view! What woman would want to be D? For M to get away fromn her horrible life is totally believable as in a way is her desire to humliate D to turn her into M's ugly body & ife. What is hard to believe but you somehow make it so is D desire to become M, a fat ulgy cleaner. Of course M is great at taking D down this path but D did agree, maybe at first don't want it to be so bad. But she had accepted it & is even crazy to think about a permanent switch. MADNESS.
    I love it that D has even assumed M's drinking problem. Terrible ironic & funny.
    What I can't wait to see is how M does end up tricking D into a permanet swap & even the necesaary Plastic surgery ( & Also making it believabe that surgery could do this , again maybe radical new surgery with Gene & DNA type transfers or something) Also have you given any thought to my suggestion of making M's vision normal with Lastic surgery, that isn't even rare or state of the art any more, so while D's running her eyes wearing gasses like M, M would have D's good visoon wihtout glasses?
    One thing I thing you might want to do is have M thinking but disliking the idea that if D doesn't agree to a permanet swap arranging an
    accident' for the poor clearer Mellisa Chapman. Just think about ti. I think it is a natural thought that would occure to her, but she really doesn't want to do. But remember a few times M has thought, she would do anythinig, ANYTHING to keep this new life,
    But I have babblled on enought. SOrry! Great chapter thanks!

    1. Thanks Eric. All good ideas here. I'll have a think...

  3. Wow! Excellent writing, as always.
    With "Cleaner", you deliver erotic literature in the truest sense of the word.
    There are no grubby or sexually explicit lines of action. Instead you always manage to shape out your characters in ways that make them highly believable - from a psychological point of view.
    I must admit that I gradually fall in love with Melissa. There is something in her manipulative mind that really turns me on. Throwing her webs out like a spider, waiting for Dahlia to entangle herself more and more.
    With D becoming more and more subservient and willing to follow orders and even unreasonable suggestions, why is Melissa still attaching that much importance of D agreeing to a permanent swap of her own free will. I would have thought that the balance of power has already shifted to a point, where Melissa could force the swap by her sudden authority. If D accepts Melissa as "the better woman", would she dare to deny her orders or "proposals", especially in the face of her own self-confidence going rapidly down the drain?
    But whatever... I really enjoyed my weekend-portion of "Cleaner". You are the best, Emma.

    Besides, who is the girl in your newest tweet? Someone we know?


    1. No one we know. No. Just a girl.

      I'm glad you're liking Melissa. I think she's playing with a tricky balance. If she pushes too hard, Dahlia might snap back. Dahlia still thinks it's a game - one she is willingly playing, but a game nonetheless.

  4. Wonderful as always. I generally like Dahila's parts better than Melissa's but this was just right! Thank you!

    1. Yes. Though the Melissa and Katherine chapters add context and depth that I think adds to the whole.

  5. All Melissa's chapters seem to be quite chilling and this is no exception.

    She's obviously enjoying her new role and all its benefits, not least the authority it gives her over the hapless Dahlia. She's certainly got it all worked out - or at least a viable strategy is gradually evolving to enhance and maintain her position for the forseeable future. She realises that to push Dahlia into an overt hand over of her life on a permanent basis is risky but, provided she offers an apparent escape route, her former employer will happily fall further and further into her humiliation fantasy to a point of no return. At least that's Melissa's aim.

    What will be interesting for we followers of the saga are the tactics she'll deploy to achieve the stratagem's success. Will she tease Dahlia's humiliation button by removing the privilege of calling her Dahlia and insist on a more formal employer/employee relationship? In other words being addressed as Ma'am, Miss, or Miss Western. She may very strongly suggest Dahlia enters into a sordid relationship with the Greek chef or prostrate herself at the whim of Maxine. Perhaps she may shock Dahlia by having a nose job to make her look more like the original Dahlia. It might be interesting if she has a tattoo of some sort to have it removed and have Dahlia have a copy of it herself.

    Lots of intriguing possibilies for the devious and sly Emma to tempt us with :)

    Robyn H

  6. The tattoo and the nose are great ideas, swapping the marrow from the end, I also think the new dahlia should try on clothes from the original dahlia before any swap to see how far she has to go and vice versa,

  7. These moments from Melissa are really useful. It is only too easy to empathise with Dahlia. Though you would expect Melissa's motives to be obvious, she was somewhat missed over in the original version. The D/S relationship is interesting in adding that zest and sparkle that keeps Dahlia in particular on her path. Lovely work :-) Thanks

    Mike W

    1. Thanks Mike! I think it is handy to see Melissa's point of view.

  8. I like the idea of M wearing clothes from the original D's wardrobe. Up to this point, M is wearing nice clothing that she purchased, but I'm sure D had a luxurious wardrobe that M envied and having M make it her own would connect her to the life that the former D had and further entrench her into D's identity and may drive her desire to make the swap permanent, not to mention D seeing M wearing her luxurious wardrobe may further distance her from her former identity.

    I really enjoy your writing Emma!!! Looking forward to new chapters!

    1. Thanks! I'll see what I can do about the wardrobe. Several people have mentioned this.
