Monday 29 December 2014

LADY ANN'S FOLLY: Chapter Eight - Part Five

Hattie climbed the back stairs with the tray of drinks for her parents and made her way warily toward their bedroom.

She didn’t like walking through her own home in the role of a lowly servant. After expecting to get a thrill from the experience, it surprised her that she hated it so much, making her question again the rest of her plan.

Her father was an insufferable domineering force in her life and he had wrongly blamed her for the palaver with the stable hand’s trial, but even he didn’t deserve this.

She slowed as she neared their door at the front of the house and loitered outside, wondering whether she should abandon the scheme entirely, but she heard the gravelly sound of a clearing throat behind her and glanced back to see the butler, Powell, standing at the top of the servant’s staircase.

“I’m watching you girl,” he said. “Be about your business quickly. Stop dawdling.”

She nodded fearfully and went up to the door, the decision made for her, knocking lightly.


Powell was still watching as she disappeared inside to find the Earl and Countess propped up in bed, reading by lamplight.

“There you are,” snapped the Earl. “Hurry up for God’s sake you impudent girl.”

“Sorry m’lord,” replied Hattie and her eyes went round to hear the term of respect come to her lips without her thinking about it. Was that the first sign of mental changes already?

“Well come on then,” said her mother.

“Yes m’lady said Hattie, hurrying forward, feeling bewildered. She hadn’t meant to go through with it but they were pushing her and their demeaning manner brought back a flush of anger. She smiled grimly as each of them sipped their brandy.

There was still chance for her to divert her intentions but each step that got put into place led her closer and closer to it.

“Well don’t just stand there like a blithering simpleton,” snapped the Earl. “Leave us.”

“Yes sir,” replied Hattie, bobbing a curtsy and then feeling perplexed as she realised how easily it had come to her. They ignored her completely as she made her way to the door and Powell was still waiting for her.

“You didn’t make a mess of that I hope,” he said.

“No sir,” replied Hattie, feeling rather cowed.

“Good. I have my eye on you young lady. If you don’t do exactly as you’re told then you can expect me to let you know what for in no uncertain terms.”

Hattie smiled to imagine her father being the recipient of that.

“What are you smirking about?”

“Nothing sir,” she replied, feeling easier at the idea of using terms of deference to him. It was only temporary. It didn’t matter. Unlike Ann before her; she was confident now that she would be back in a position of authority very soon, and this time it would be different than ever before. There would be no chance she could lose control of the situation because she would be the highest authority in these parts.

She came close to her own bedroom door where within, the real Nellie waited for her to return to swap back. Powell was still watching but nevertheless, it was a choice of Hattie’s to go on walking past.

She had decided now that staying a hapless maid for another couple of hours was a small price to pay. She was going to go through with her plan and see it all the way to its finish.

She was going to swap places with her father.


  1. I'm sure she will maintain control over all facets of the estate once she is the earl. the more interesting question is will she maintain control over herself.

  2. I'm looking forward to the next installment. To see Hattie as her father and her in the top job and Nellie as her will be very interesting.


    1. I'm more interested in reading about his lordship as Nellie. Age regression as well as status regression. I suppose he should be grateful to be granted potentially a few more years of life and youthful life at that :)

      Robyn H

    2. Well I'm afraid I'm most interested in Hattie becoming the Earl... and what could happen to the Countess too!

    3. what possible interest could Hattie have in her mother after all when Ann became Burt He had no interest in Hattie...oh no wait. :)

    4. I'm talking about the interest of her ongoing revenge scheme!

  3. Well, I suppose your interests must become my interests as you are most definitely 'the boss'. Not that I'm complaining :)

    Robyn H

    1. Yeah. But though I personally favour certain changes, I'll still be fully exploring the others, don't worry. If not, Lady Ann's Holiday would have solely focused on Ann as Burt!
