Monday 13 May 2013

Recommended Viewing: Pon un Hombre en tu Vida

Well for my next recommendation, let me put forward the Spanish film:

Pon un Hombre en tu Vida 

Where a Portuguese footballer swaps bodies with this woman:

Well this is another film I rate highly. It's a nice romantic comedy anyway (though a tad silly for my tastes) but most importantly, unlike in Disney's disastrous A Saintly Switch (which I don't rate), the new woman decides that if he is stuck that way then he is going to be the best woman he can be - and dresses in beautiful clothes.

There's even a tiny bit of lesbian action in there for those who like it.

There are elements of job swapping in the film, which is nice (the woman is a lounge singer) and the new woman has to pretend to be female in front of friends and family - doing a very good job.

And for those who like to read, and who can find it, I saw years ago, a story with images on Fictionmania that used pictures from the film.

I have a feeling it was a different story though. I hadn't seen the film back then and now the story is lost to me.

Do comment below and tell us the title if you know the one I mean!


  1. Its buy the classic FM Author Caleb Jones "A New Life"

    Here's the URL

    1. Oh good. Well done Eric! I should have known you'd know it!

