Saturday 11 April 2015

The Shape of Things to Come

Well with my illness starting to subside but some unpacking on my move yet to do, I am starting to get back to some semblance of sanity. I'd like to say that this will mean I'll be able to be super reliable in my releases, but I may not be able to.

The stork is on its way with a baby set to arrive fairly soon and this is likely to have a fairly profound delaying effect on what I can get out. I do want to keep going as much as I can though so if you keep coming back for more then I'll keep trying.

That's probably not for a while yet though.

Another shorter term delay is that I would really like to finish A New You Volume III and get it out in the next few days. I can't do that and get the serials out so I may need to ask you to be patient a little while longer.

My goal, as always, is to keep pouring out the transformation goodness. That hasn't changed. The flow may occasionally go down to a trickle over the next month or so but it won't stop! 


  1. What worries me is your claim of a return to sanity. That is possibly the very last thing your readers want. We need a mad Emma and therefore one who can keep us entertained with insane stories with equally insane plot-lines.

    But glad you're feeling better and with the stork in flight you need to be. Very best wishes for you and the imminent arrival.

    Robyn H

    1. Well, things are always unstable here. You will be relieved to learn that my sanity is always in question.

  2. Your health and that of your baby comes first writing comes second to that. look after yourself and the stories will come out when they are ready . We will be waiting for them


  3. We love you. take care and we'll be here when your ready.

    1. Awww. Thanks John. THat's lovely to hear. Still feeling very rough today.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Camille. I'm just balancing the pressures of convalescence with unpacking after the move... I'm determined to get A New You III out though (possibly a day or so late).

  5. Fair health and good luck!
