Sunday, 17 May 2015

Why I'm Not Posting Story Episodes

Well as you may have noticed, I haven't had time to post story episodes for a while.

The reason for that is this little critter who came into the world a week ago and is merrily taking up all my time.

It's Felix!

He's hale and hearty and enjoying his new life but he is rather distracting.

But never fear, I will return to my writing as soon as I can! Keep coming back to check. I hope to get an episode out in a few days and then semi-sporadically from then on. We'll see how it pans out.


  1. congrats. I wish you well. Already I can see the resemblance -

  2. Congratulations, enjoy the distractions

  3. He'll certainly keep you busy, even when he's asleep :)

    Take your time. We'll still be here.

    Robyn H

  4. Again congratulations take the time to get to know your new bundle of joy then come back to writing we will be waiting


  5. All the best :-) Mike W
